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中文摘要这两年,电商巨头们不断地在进行价格战的角逐。这意味着,电商曾经的目标市场已经接近饱和,亟待新的市场需求来满足现在大体量的电子商务。正是在这个时候,农村电商重出江湖,各大电商巨头纷纷下乡刷墙、宣传造势。而作为中国自营式网络零售商的零售商,京东也在开拓自己的农村电商之路。本文着眼于京东渠道下沉中的农村电商策略,以SWOT分析作为本文的主体内容。首先,介绍京东农村电子商务的现状,以“先锋站”、“京东帮”为代表;然后以SWOT模型作为分析工具,浅析京东在农村电商发展中的优势、劣势、机会和挑战;再者,剖析京东下沉渠道的动因;最后,提出自己对于京东发展农村电商的建议。由此,得出电商要想发展农村业务,必须解决物流配送问题。【关键词】农村电商 渠道下沉 自营物流AbstractThis year, the electricity supplier giants continue to compete in a price war. This means that, once the electricity supplier market is close to saturation, to be the new market demand to meet the current large volume of electronic commerce. It was at this time, the rural electricity providers came back, the major electricity supplier giants have countryside whitewashing, propaganda. As China proprietary online retailers retailers, Jingdong also develop their own electricity supplier in rural road.This paper focuses on the rural electricity supplier strategy Jingdong channel sink in, with SWOT analysis as the main content of this article. Firstly, introduces the present situation of Jingdong rural e-commerce, XianFeng Railway Station, Jingdong help as representative; then based on the SWOT model as the analysis tool, analysis of advantages, Jingdong in rural electricity supplier development disadvantage, opportunities and challenges; moreover, analyze the cause Jingdong sinking channels; finally, the author puts forward his own suggestions for the development of Jingdong the rural electricity supplier. Therefore, the electricity supplier to the development of rural business, must solve the problem of logistics distribution.【Keyword】rural electricity supplier the channel sink self logistics目 录Southwestern University of Finance and Economics1一、绪论11.1 引言11.2 基本概念21.2.1 电子商务的定义21.2.2 农村电子商务概述31.2.3 渠道下沉概念及模式31.3 文献综述51.3.1战略变革的内涵51.3.2电商下乡的模式61.4 理论基础61.4.1 PEST分析法61.4.2 4P理论71.4.3 SWOT矩阵分析法7二、京东农村电子商务现状82.1 京东简介82.2 京东渠道下沉战略92.2.1 宣传造势92.2.2 深化配送站点建设9三、京东商城SWOT分析113.1 京东优势分析113.1.1 自营物流优势113.1.2 信息平台优势113.1.3 优质售后服务123.1.4 现金流充足、资本优势


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