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Artifacts Instrument problem :occur when the equipment is not functioning properly Technique-dependent artifacts: the appearance is produced by unsatisfactory operator technique Unavoidable artifacts resulting from the way tissues affect sound. KEY TERMS Acoustic impedance(声阻抗):measure of a material’s resistance to the propagation of sound;expressed as the product of acoustic velocity of the medium and the density of the medium. Amplitude(波幅):strength of the ultrasound wave measured in decibels. KEY TERMS Angle of incidence(入射角):angle from the normal at which the sound beams strikes the interface Angle of reflection(反射角):the amplitude of the reflected wave depends on the difference between the acoustic impedances of the two materials forming the interface KEY TERMS Attenuation(衰减):reduction in the amplitude and intensity of a sound wave as it propagates through a medium;attenuation of ultrasound waves in tissue is caused by absotption and by scattering and reflection KEY TERMS Dynamic range(动态幅度):ratio of the largest to smallest signals that an instrument or component of an instrument can respond to without distortion. Frame rate(帧速度):rate at which images are updated on the display;dependent on frequency of the transducer and depth selection. KEY TERMS Frequency(频率):number of cycles per second that a periodic event or function undergoes;the frequency of a sound wave is determined by the number of oscillations per second of the vibrating source Velocity(速率):in ultrasound the tissue density determines the speed of the ultrasound wave Wavelength(波长):distance over which a wave repeats itself during one period of oscillation KEY TERMS Gray scale(灰阶):B-mode scanning technique that permits the B-mode dots to be displayed in various shades of gray to represent different echo amplitudes KEY TERMS Real time(实时):ultrasound instrumentation that allows the image to be displayed many times per second to achieve a “real time”image of anatomic structures and thei


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