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Random copolymers(无规共聚物) -A-B-A-A-B-A-B-B-B-A-A-B- Truly random copolymers are only found under specific polymerization conditions Alternating copolymers(交替共聚物) -A-B-A-B-A-B-A-B-A-B-A-B-A-B- This type of copolymers is formed during condensation polymerization when two different types of monomer such as diacid and diol are used. Block copolymers(嵌段共聚物) -A-A-A-A-A-B-B-B-B-B-A-A-A-A-A- Sometimes the block copolymer is made up of just two or three long blocks of each type of unit giving a material with interesting and unusual properties. Graft copolymers(接枝共聚物) -A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A- B B B B B B B B In general it is found that block and graft copolymers have properties of both the homopolymers whereas alternating and random copolymers possess properties somewhere between those of the two homopolymers. 3 Structures and Properties 3.1 Molar mass (摩尔质量) Molar mass(M) of the polymer is the ‘the mass of one mole of the polymer’ and so has units of g mol-1 or kg mol-1 . A normal polymer sample contains molecules with a variety of lengths and it is only possible to quote an average value of molar mass. Often the term ‘molecular weight (分子量) ’ is still used instead of molar mass. (1) The number average molar mass(数均摩尔质量), is defined as ‘the sum of the product of the molar mass of each fraction multiplied by its mole fraction’ i.e. where Xi is the mole fraction of molecules of length i , the ratio of the number of molecules of length i to the total number of molecules. ? (2) The weight average molar mass(重均摩尔质量), is defined as ‘the sum of the product of the molar mass of each fraction multiplied by its weight fraction’ i.e. where wi is the weight fraction of molecules of length i , the ratio of the mass of molecules of length i t


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