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希罗神话课程作业 题 目:Analysis the Anthropomorphism and Humanism of Greek Mythology 姓 名: 刘春花 专 业: 会计学 班 级: 希罗神话3班 学 号: 2013209075 任课老师: 杨瑾瑜 完成时间:2014年06月22日 Analysis the Anthropomorphism and Humanism of Greek Mythology Introduction Greek mythology has an important influence on ancient Greek civilization and Western culture, its essential character is conceived of their gods as anthropomorphism,while anthropomorphism are bound together with humanism, so this paper, mainly on the Greek anthropomorphism and humanism through Greek Mythology.The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows.Section I introduce the Greek anthropomorphism and Greek humanism.Section II Give the evidence from Greek mythology to analysis the Greek anthropomorphism and humanism in detail.Section III Concludes I.Greek Anthropomorphism and Humanism anthropomorphism is refer to all the Greek Gods are with human form and character,they have human emotions,and they are idealized mortals in their physical beauty and their superhuman powers,always being worshiped by human beings.They perform extraordinary feats,change shape,become invisible,and fly.They exist in real life, but also beyond real life, is neither distant nor perfect, they are quite rich and superhuman powers, but not entirely good.That’s to say,the gods are humanity gods,are the mortals deified by gods.1 Humanism is a kind of universal values and cultural outlook,respect for human supremacy, human nature ,strongly advocated play human capacity to meet peoples needs.2Its emphasis upon the beauty and wonder of mortal achievement attained in the face of horrible disasters,which a vindictive god may dispense at any moment.Ancient Greek mythology emphasizes peoples initiative, individual human consciousness and human self-worth. 1赵林.神旨的感召-西方文化的传统与演进[M].武汉大学出版社,1993. 2李艳娜.古代希腊神话中的


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