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《外贸英语》课程教学大纲 (制订人:戴宗群 教研室主任:戴宗群主任 日期:2006年6月) 第一部分 总 纲 [1]课程编号:062004 [2]课程性质:专业基础课 [3]适用专业:国际贸易实务 [4]先修课程:《大学英语》 [5]后续课程:《外贸函电》、《剑桥商务英语(一)》 [6]总学时:78学时 [7]总学分:5学分 课程性质、目的与要求: 本课程的教学目的是使学生打好学习外贸英语的专业基础。   (一)继续深化英语技能训练 外贸英语虽然是专业课程,但英语综合技能是学好本课程的基础。因此,在学习本课程的过程中要进一步加强基础英语训练。没有扎实的英语基本功,“外贸英语”也很难学好。 (二)学习外贸专业英语,掌握外贸专业英语的特点和用法 外贸英语通常是指在对外经济贸易工作中(如阅读有关资料、文献,处理英语函电,草拟商业合同、协议等文件,进行商务谈判等)所使用和接触到的英语,有其本身特点。比如,一些普通的英语词汇在外贸英语中有特殊的含义,这些专业词汇和它们的中文译名以及特殊的用法、搭配和套语都需要熟悉和掌握。 (三)结合专业英语学习,扩充有关的外贸业务知识 要熟练掌握一种专业外语,就要熟悉该专业的业务知识。因此学生在学习本课程时,要注意掌握课文内容和有关的业务知识。学生应通过本课程的学习,获得大量的有关国际贸易领域的知识。 教学内容与学时分配: 本课程为考查课,共78学时,5学分,具体学时分配如下表所示: 序 号 教学内容(章目名称) 学时数 Lesson One The Changing World and Development 4 Additional Reading E-Life 1 Lesson Two International Trade 4 Additional Reading Uniqued Problems in International Trade 1 Lesson Three Import and Export 4 Additional Reading Shipping, Insurance and Customs 1 Lesson Four Letters of Credit 4 Additional Reading Incoterms (2000) 1 Lesson Five Trade Information 4 Additional Reading Trade News 1 Lesson Six Keeping the Customer Satisfied 4 Additional Reading Marketing 1 Lesson Seven Fortune 500 4 Additional Reading Bill Gates 1 Lesson Eight The Spread of CHINA INC 4 Additional Reading China and U.S. 1 Lesson Nine The European Union 4 Additional Reading The Euro 1 Lesson Ten Transnational Corporation 4 Additional Reading Third World Powerhouses 1 Lesson Eleven The Balance of International Payments 4 Additional Reading The Securities Exchanges 1 Lesson Twelve Foreign Exchange Trading 4 Additional Reading Quarterly Market Report 1 Lesson Thirteen The World Bank and the IMF 4 Additional Reading The Joint International Venture 1 Lesson Fourteen Japan抯 Stumbling Giants 4 Additional Reading US Needs New Thinking on Global Trade 1 Lesson Fifteen WTO Agrees on New Round to Open Markets 4 Additional Reading WTO and Its Ironies 1 Lesson Sixteen A Leadership Primer (I) 2 Additional Reading A Leadership Primer (II) 1 合


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