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存在句型 1.结构:There + be + 实际主语 +其它成分 e.g. There is a similar system in their country. There are two other points to consider. 2.注:(1). there be 句型中易出现两个谓语的错误 (2). there be 句型中的主谓一致是遵循就近原则 3.be动词的变化 1). be 动词时态有一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时, 现在完成时。 e.g. There is not enough land by the sea. There are also instructions for making wine. e.g. There was only one entrance to the hotel when I came last year. There were a lot of demonstrations in America last month. e.g. As a result, there will be many new jobs for workers. e.g. There have been great advances in telephone equipment in the last quarter of the twentieth century. 2)存在句在be部分可以使用情态动词+be e.g. There may be two possible answers. Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet, beautiful place. 3). 半助动词+be (seem, appear, happen) There seem/ happen/ appear to be There appears to be a mistake. There seems to be something wrong with it. 4) 除be外,某些表示存在概念的不及物动词如:exist, remain, happen, occur, come, lie, stand, live等,也能用于存在句。 There stands a huge building behind the tree. 1.桌上有一只笔和一些书。 There is a pen and some books on the desk. 2. 今天的报纸上有很多新闻。 There is a lot of good news in today’s newspaper. 3.地上有一双鞋,这鞋是我的。 There is a pair of shoes on the floor. The shoes are mine. 4. 二楼住着一个年轻人,他是一个艺术家。 On the second floor, there lived a young man, who was an artist. 5. 在美国有五个不同的时区。 There are five different time areas in the United States. 6. 有些节目介绍英国的生活。 There are some programs which introduce the British life. There are some programs introducing the life in Britain. 7. There is a possibility that we shall not be able to afford the particular furniture we need. 很可能我们买不起我们需要的那套家具。 8.他解释说,这条河里有危险的鱼。 He explained that there are dangerous fish in the river. 9. 你知道如果出了事故该怎么办吗? Do you know what to do/we should do if there is an accident? 10. 当你开始工作时,有许多事情要学习 There are many things to be learnt/that you should learn when you start working. * * * * *


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