第二节 美国概况PPT.ppt

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第二节 美国概况PPT

American People The US Census Bureau Population (2010) 30.8 million 2004 white people 78% the minorities 22% 2010 white people 65% Asian American 5% 2042 white people would be the minorities 13% Blacks 12% Hispanics 4% Asian The rest White Americans It is the third most populous country in the world after China and India. The most populous states are California, Texas, New York, Florida and Illinois. The Unique American character Willingness to take risks Early immigrants braved the violent Atlantic Ocean Revolutionary fighters during the Independence War Cowboys and frontiersmen pioneering in the Far West. Religious and racial toleration, readiness to learn Immigrants of different backgrounds New language, new social customs, new ways of making a living The Indians Columbus landed in the New World in 1492. The natives Indians No reliable figures exist on the size of the Indian population in 1492. Archaeologists believe that the forefathers of the Indians were from Asian. More than 27000 years ago, archaeologists say, some hunters crossed the Bering Strait(白令海峡), about 50 miles wide, from Asia to America. Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) 1882(光绪八年) Chinese Exclusion Act 一、10年内禁止华工进入美国; 二、非劳工的华人入境,须持有经美国驻华领事查验和签名盖章的英文护照。但美国税关人员有权在海关检查并拒绝持证者入境; 三、不准中国人取得美国国籍; 四、非法入境的中国人驱逐出境。 Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) 该法案创造了两项美国纪录:第一次立法禁止一个种族进入美国,第一次立法排斥一个种族加入美国国籍。这个人成为不能向美国自由移民的唯一民族。 1902年,美国国会通过法案,再度将《排华法案》延长10年。1904年的一项法案干脆将《排华法案》无限期延长。 二战时,中国成为美国的盟国,《排华法案》的存在已不合时宜。1943年(61年后),美国国会废除了《排华法案》。 the 1965 Amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act 《1965年外来移民与国籍法修正案》 In 1965, the U.S. passed a new immigration low to replace the Reed-Johnson Immigration Act. Under the new law, there is no consideration of people’s country of origin. Permits are granted on the basis of individual application within overall annual limits set by the U.S. Congress. Priority System The United States now restricts the number of legal immigrants. The maximum annual number for one country is 200


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