岩浆岩石学Ch 03 Igneous Textures.ppt

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岩浆岩石学Ch 03 Igneous Textures

Chapter 3: Igneous Textures Figure 3-1. Idealized rates of crystal nucleation and growth as a function of temperature below the melting point. Slow cooling results in only minor undercooling (Ta), so that rapid growth and slow nucleation produce fewer coarse-grained crystals. Rapid cooling permits more undercooling (Tb), so that slower growth and rapid nucleation produce many fine-grained crystals. Very rapid cooling involves little if any nucleation or growth (Tc) producing a glass. Igneous Textures Figure 3-2. Backscattered electron image of quenched “blue glassy pahoehoe,” 1996 Kalapana flow, Hawaii. Black minerals are felsic plagioclase and gray ones are mafics. a. Large embayed olivine phenocryst with smaller plagioclase laths and clusters of feathery augite nucleating on plagioclase. Magnification ca. 400X. b. ca. 2000X magnification of feathery quenched augite crystals nucleating on plagioclase (black) and growing in a dendritic form outward. Augite nucleates on plagioclase rather than pre-existing augite phenocrysts, perhaps due to local enrichment in mafic components as plagioclase depletes the adjacent liquid in Ca, Al, and Si. ? John Winter and Prentice Hall. Igneous Textures Figure 3-3. a. Volume of liquid (green) available to an edge or corner of a crystal is greater than for a side. b. Volume of liquid available to the narrow end of a slender crystal is even greater. After Shelley (1993). Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks Under the Microscope. ? Chapman and Hall. London. Igneous Textures Figure 3-4. a. Skeletal olivine phenocryst with rapid growth at edges enveloping melt at ends. Taupo, N.Z. b. “Swallow-tail” plagioclase in trachyte, Remarkable Dike, N.Z. Length of both fields ca. 0.2 mm. From Shelley (1993). Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks Under the Microscope. ? Chapman and Hall. London. Igneous Textures Figure 3-5. a. Compositionally zoned hornblende phenocryst with pronounced color variation visible in plane-polarized light. Field width 1 mm.


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