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Total Quality Management * * The Six Sigma Revolution 第二章 The Strategy of Six Sigma Overview 組織品質管理成功之道-Vibrant, vocal, knowledgeable, and most important, involved management. 本章闡述管理階層如何確保品質改善計畫能成功。 事實上,我們不能怪罪管理階層的不參與- Human nature tells us we keep doing the thongs that work for us. 以The Westin Tabor Center 為案例貫穿本章。 Effectiveness and Efficiency Effectiveness效益/效果-the degree to which an organization meets and preferably exceeds a customer’s need and requirement. Efficiency效率-refers to the resources consumed in attempting to become effective. 作者調查知-An average organization experiences over 50﹪is efficiency and over 70﹪is effectiveness. The eight essential steps Step1-Creation and Agreement of Strategic Business Objectives 策略目標的建立與共識 To obtain support and active involvement of management, the quality initiative must be linked to the ongoing strategic business objectives of the organization. 品質管理必須與公司的策略目標結合 Creation and Agreement of Strategic Business Objectives Business Objectives of The Westin Tabor Center 1.GOPAR-Gross Operating Profit per Available Room追求每一個客房的最佳利潤 2.Maintenance of Their AAA Four-Star Rating AAA-American Automobile Association 3.Employee Satisfaction-員工滿意是客戶能滿意的保證,這對旅館業是特別重要。 The Westin Tabor Center 在這些地方都需要改善 Step3-Identification of Process Owner 每一process owner指派到每一Core, Key Sub-, and Enabling Process. Process owner並非單位主管莫屬 Process owner應具備下列能力- Sub-process領域知識, 領導及説服才能, 瞭解及鑑賞business process management, 能體會流程成功與失敗之滋味, 能尊敬其他前後流程的每一個人。 Identification of Process Owner Enabling process 有時也應如Sub-process一般管理 Business Performance Management-將重要關鍵的Enabling process提昇成為Core process 以Westin為例-employee development 也變成Core process Step4-Creation and Validation of Measurement ‘Dashboard’ 33 Core, Key Sub-, and Enabling Process were identified in Westin. Executive team指定 15 process owners 在一個月內就每一process提出1-3個dashboard measures 經驗告訴我service provider 認為重要的不一定被會客戶認同 部份owner察覺以前有33%的改善對客戶員是做虛功,更有部份提不出 dashboard measures Creation and Validation


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