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* * * * * * * Confidential Confidential 光刻胶(光阻)介绍 What is Photoresist? What is Photo resist Photoresist is a photosensitive compound, which can transfer the designed pattern from mask to wafer through exposure and develop, and it will play the role of resist to block implant or etching at the subsequent step. Wafer Film Film Deposition Wafer Film Photoresist Resist Coat Wafer Film Photoresist UV Exposure hv Reticle Wafer Developing Film Wafer Etch Gas Photo resist in photolithography process Wafer Implant Film Classification of Photo resist By wave length of exposure light G-line resist (436nm) I-line resist (365nm) DUV resist: Chemistry Amplified Resist (248nm,193nm) By chemical reaction mechanism Positive resist: Exposed area can be dissolved and removed by developer due to acid compound formation Negative resist: Exposed area can’t be dissolved and removed by developer due to crosslink reaction Classification of Photo resist Wafer Film Photoresist UV Exposure hv Reticle Wafer Developing Film Wafer Etch Gas Wafer Developing Film Wafer Etch Gas I-line resist I-line resist composition PAC (感光剂复合物): (1%-6%) Based Resin (树脂): (10%-40%) Solvent (溶剂): (50%-90%) Plus additives Surfactant (表面活性剂): which will make the component uniformity and help to develop Dye (色素): increase absorption, reduce standing wave Inhibitor (抑制剂): which can increase the contrast( reduce the PAC’s dissolution ) PAC (Photo Active Compound) DNQ compounds are mostly used as PAC.(PAC=DNQ+backbone) Which will accomplish the sensitization during exposure Which will influence photo speed, contrast and Resolution I-line resist Based Resin Novolak resins are mostly used as based resin. Will influence the resist abilities including adhesion, the bulk resolution performance, etching resistance, thermal stability, etc. I-line resist 甲酚 酚醛树脂 甲醛 DNQ + Backbone will realize the crosslink I-line resist Solvent Which will dissolve the PAC and resin together in order to form the uniform thin film a


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