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[工学]Chap5 GPS
全球定位系统及应用 学术资源 维基百科 /wiki/Global_Positioning_System GPS主页 / GPS介绍 /gps/index.shtml 学术杂志 World GPS (free) / GPS Solutions (SCIE检索) 原 The Journal of Global Navigation Satellite Systems /content/109380/?p=cc72abb10efd42c2b46be44fce77a953pi=0 可行性研究始于 1960’s. 1973年美国国防部五角大楼拨款. 1978年发射第一个用于GPS的卫星. 1995年4月整个系统开始运营. GPS系统的三大组分 Garmin eTrex ~$100 Garmin-12 ~$150 Casio GPS wristwatch ~$300 The GPS Store 24 satellites Six orbital planes Inclined 55o with respect to equator Orbits separated by 60o 20,200 km elevation above Earth Orbital period of 11 hr 55 min Five to eight satellites visible from any point on Earth 地面控制Control Segment 军事Military. 寻找和救援Search and rescue. 减灾Disaster relief. 调查Surveying. 海事、航空、陆地导航 Marine, aeronautical and terrestrial navigation. 遥控汽车和火箭引导 Remote controlled vehicle and robot guidance. 卫星定位和跟踪Satellite positioning and tracking. 海运Shipping. 地理信息系统Geographic Information Systems (GIS). 休闲娱乐Recreation. GPS的四项基本功能 Position and coordinates. The distance and direction between any two waypoints, or a position and a waypoint. Travel progress reports. Accurate time measurement. GPS position – 2 satellites GPS position – 3 satellites Selective Availability (S/A) The Defense Department dithered the satellite time message, reducing position accuracy to some GPS users. S/A was designed to prevent America’s enemies from using GPS against us and our allies. In May 2000 the Pentagon reduced S/A to zero meters error. S/A could be reactivated at any time by the Pentagon. Standard Positioning Service (SPS ): Civilian Users Source Amount of Error Satellite clocks: 1.5 to 3.6 meters Orbital errors: 1 meter Ionosphere: 5.0 to 7.0 meters Troposphere: 0.5 to 0.7 meters Receiver noise: 0.3 to 1.5 meters Multipath: 0.6 to 1.2 meters Selective Availability (see notes) User error: Up to a kilometer or more Errors are cumulative and increased by PDOP. GPS Dilution of Precision and Its Affects On GPS Accuracy GPS Satellite Geometry Satellite geometr
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