
[工学]Chapter3 逻辑代数基础.pdf

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[工学]Chapter3 逻辑代数基础

Chapter 3 Logic Algebra 逻辑代数基础 Logic Algebra is presented by George Boole in 1849 and is also called Boolean Algebra. Logic algebra constitute a mathematical tool for describing the input-output behavior of the logical gates. 逻辑代数描述二值变量(0,1)的运算规律。由英国数学家布尔在19 世纪中提出,也称为布尔代数。 A variable is a symbol used to represent a logical quantity. Any single variable can have a 1 or a 0 value. 逻辑代数中变量是表示逻辑量,只能取0或1. Logic algebra and arithmetic are different. 逻辑代数与算术运算不同。 1 §3.1 Operations of Logic Algebra 逻辑代数运算法则 AND operation 与 OR operation或 The complement 非 Logic multiplication Logic addition of A is A “•” “+” 0•0 = 0 0 + 0 = 0 0 1 0•1 = 0 0 + 1 = 1 1•0 = 0 1 + 0 = 1 1 0 1•1 = 1 1 + 1 = 1 1. Fundamental Theorems of Logic Algebra 基本定律 Every theorem is given in two forms: one for addition(加) and another for multiplication(乘). Two forms are equivalent and are called “Dual” each other. (每条定理有两种表达形式:逻辑加及逻辑乘。对偶式) 2 基本定律 Addition 逻辑加 Multiplication 逻辑乘 1) Theorem 1 A+B=B+A; AB=BA (交换律) 2) Theorem 2 A+(B+C)=(A+B)+C; A(BC)=(AB)C (结合律) 3) Theorem 3 A +BC= (A+B)(A+C); A(B+C)=AB+AC; (分配律) 4) Theorem 4 A+0=A, A+1=1; A•0 =0 A•1=A 5) Theorem 5 A+A=1 A•A=0 (01律/互补) 6) Theorem 6 A+A=A;


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