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绗?8 鍗 绗?2 鏈 鎺 鍒 涓 鍐 绛 2013 骞 12 鏈 Vol. 28 No. 12 Control and Decision Dec. 2013 鏂囩珷缂栧彿: 1001-0920 (2013) 12-1822-05 鍩轰簬瀹圭Н绮掑瓙婊ゆ尝鐨勬椂寤跺樊瀹氫綅浼拌绠楁硶 鍒 棰? 鑻忓啗宄? 鏈辨槑寮 (鍖椾含浜ら€氬ぇ瀛︾數瀛愪俊鎭伐绋嬪闄紝鍖椾含100044) 鎽 瑕? 鍦ㄥ熀浜庣矑瀛愭护娉㈢殑鏃跺欢宸畾浣嶄及璁℃柟娉曚腑, 閲嶈瀵嗗害鍑芥暟鐨勯€夊彇灏嗙洿鎺ュ奖鍝嶄及璁$殑鎬ц兘, 涓烘, 鎻愬嚭浜嗗熀 浜庡绉矑瀛愭护娉㈢殑鏃跺欢宸及璁?BCPF-TDE) 绠楁硶. 璇ョ畻娉曞埄鐢ㄦ渶鏂扮殑鏁版嵁妫€娴嬩俊鎭? 閫氳繃瀹圭Н鍗″皵鏇兼护娉?CKF) 鑾 鍙栫矑瀛愭护娉㈢殑閲嶈鎬у瘑搴﹀嚱鏁? 浠跨湡瀹為獙琛ㄦ槑, 鍦ㄧ矑瀛愭暟鐩浉鍚岀殑鎯呭喌涓? 鍩轰簬瀹圭Н绮掑瓙婊ゆ尝鐨勬椂寤跺樊浼拌(BCPF- TDE) 鏂规硶涓庡熀浜庢墿灞曠矑瀛愭护娉㈢殑鏃跺欢宸及璁?BEPF-TDE) 鏂规硶鐩告瘮, 瀹氫綅浼拌璇樊鍙湁鍚庤€呯殑50% 宸﹀彸, 鑰岃繍琛屾椂 闂寸浉褰? 鍏抽敭璇岤 鏃跺欢宸及璁★紱绮掑瓙婊ゆ尝锛涘绉崱灏旀浖婊ゆ尝锛涙墿灞曠矑瀛愭护娉 涓浘鍒嗙被鍙耳 TP391.9 鏂囩尞鏍囧織鐮? A Time delay difference localization estimation algorithm based on cubature particle 铿乴ter LIU Ying, SU Jun-feng, ZHU Ming-qiang (School of Electronics and Information Engineering锛孊eijing Jiaotong University 锛孊eijing 100044 锛孋hina 锛嶤orrespondent: SU Jun-feng锛孍-mail 锛歴j163.com) Abstract 锛氾細锛欼n the time delay difference localization estimation methods based on the particle 铿乴ter, the importance density function is the key to the performance of time delay difference estimation. A time delay difference estimation method based on cubature particle 铿乴ter(BCPF-TDE) is proposed, which uses the latest measurements to generate the importance density function through cubature Kalman 铿乴ter(CKF). The simulation results show that when the particle number is the same, compared with the time delay difference estimation based on extended particle 铿乴ter(BEPF-TDE), the localization error of BCPF-TDE is about 50% of BEPF-TDE鈥檚, but the run time of the time delay difference estimation based on cubature particle 铿乴ter(BCPF-TDE) is close to


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