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培养源自于东方的新一代复合型 “无国界管理” 人才 MBA Cultivating a new generation of BORDERLESS MANAGEMENT elites on the basis of oriental philosophy 上海外国语大学工商管理硕士 SISU MBA BORDERLESS MANAGEMENT 上海外国语大学创建于1949年,1963年国务院批准为全国36所重点高校之一。目前为国家教育部直 属并与上海市共建、进入 “211工程”的全国重点大学。建校60年来,上海外国语大学培养了一批又 一批具有鲜明特色的外语与复合型应用专业的跨文化人才。 As one of the nations 100 Key Universities for the 21st Century, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) is directly supervised by the Ministry of Education, and jointly supported by the Ministry of Education and Shanghai Municipal Government. Over the past sixty years since its establishment, SISU has cultivated large numbers of cross-cultural management talents featuring high foreign language proficiency and comprehensive skills, who are now working all over the world. 项目概况 Program Overview 上海外国语大学是国务院学位委员会和国家教育部正式批准授予工商管理硕士 (MBA )学位的院校之一。依托上海外国 语大学建校60年来在外语和跨文化教育的优势、复合型人才培养经验、国际型人才创新平台上的深厚基础,上海外国语 大学MBA项目旨在培养源自于东方的新一代复合型 “无国界管理人才”,使他们在以下方面具有独特且持久的竞争力: 精通英语,熟练掌握第二外语; 开放思维,放眼全球,解决跨文化问题,理解全球商业的细微差别; 整合商业知识与实践经验; 拥有良好的商业道德和崇高的敬业精神。 Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) was formally awarded its MBA program by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and the Ministry of Education of the People s Republic of China. Drawing on the strength in over 60 years foreign languages and cross-cultural instruction, rich experience in comprehensive talent cultivation, as well as solid and creative platform for global talent education, SISU MBA aims at cultivating a new generation of global elites on the basis of oriental philosophy. These elites are expected to have distinct and sustainable competencies



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