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Ding The ding is an ancient Chinese cauldron with legs, a lid and two handles opposite each other. They were made in two shapes with round vessels having three legs and rectangular ones four. According to the existing material, ding was founded in Henan province Peigang culture. 裴岗文化 About ten thousand years ago. Our ancestors invented a kind of cooker -- Pottery Ding. It looks like a very big chaffy dish. People put all kinds of food in it and make a fire under the ding. Because of the ding is too big to move, so can only put in a place. To Shang Dynasty, with the development of bronze smelting, human productivity progress to a new stage, at this time the Bronzeware Ding appeared. Dings were originally made of ceramic materials then later, from the time of the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BCE), were cast in bronze for ritual bronzes, which were often buried in the tomb of their owners for use in the afterlife. In Chinese history and culture, possession of one or more ancient dings is often associated with power and dominion over the land. Therefore, the ding is often used as an implicit symbolism for power. 鸟纽雷纹高足鼎(战国早期) 乳钉蟠蛇纹鼎(战国早期) 兽面勾连雷纹鼎(西周早期) 四鸟扁足方鼎(西周晚期) 刖人守门方鼎(西周中期) 四联鼎 (战国晚期) 三牲鼎(战国中期) 大盂鼎 (西周康王时期) 兽面纹是动物的头部正视图案,也是动物纹构图最原始的一种形式。在商周青铜器纹饰中,所占的数量最大。自宋代以来,这种纹饰称为饕餮纹兽面纹又多见于镌刻在青铜鼎上 兽面纹的特点 以鼻梁为中线,两侧作对称排列,上端第一道是角,角下有目,形象比较具体的兽面纹在目上还有眉,目的两侧有的有耳,多数兽面纹有曲张的爪,两侧有左右展开的体躯或兽尾,少数简略形式的没有兽的体部或尾部。所有兽面纹基本上是按这一模式塑造的,只是在表现方法和技巧上,随着时代的发展而有所不同。 毛公鼎 出土的最早的青铜鼎是:“司母戊鼎”又称“后母戊鼎” 商代司母戊鼎是目前已知的中国古代最早最大最重的青铜鼎 thank you



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