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Unit7 课文词句归纳 1在蜡烛上烤火/取暖 2如果我再听到你多说一句,你就去真的很冷得地方去 3那又怎么样呢? 4某人做什么很方便 5每年12月25号 6你以你自己的方式庆祝圣诞节 7不谈这件事了 8但愿圣诞赐福于你 9没有带来利润 10好几千人缺乏基本的必需品 11筹款给某人买食物 12穷困潦倒的人 13 长大 14我的生意就够我忙的了 15从窗户看看 16我们之间结束了 17取代了...的位置 18贫穷是可怕的命运,所以赚钱没有过错 19那不是生活的全部 20眼里只有钱 21汇集成一个野心 22对…感到满足 23你完全错了 24别浪费时间 25是Tiny的两倍大 26正相反 27为庆祝新年而干杯 28祝你圣诞快乐 1 .warm his hands over the candle [build a bridge over the river/fly over the hill/go across the sea/go through the forest] 2.If I heard another word from you ,you will go where it is really cold. 3.so what? [ e.g.I said that,so what?] {what for 干…用呢?/for what 为什么呢?/how come怎么发生的呢?/if so,如果是这样的话} 4.It’s convenient for sb to do sth 5.every-fifth of December 6You celebrate Christmas in your own way 7Leave it alone. 8Much good may it do you . 9without bringing profits 10Many thousands are in want of basic needs. 11.raise money to buy the poor some food 12.those who are badly off 13.grow up/be brought up 14.My business occupies me constantly. 15Have a look through this window 16It’s over between us. 17take my place 18Poverty is a terrible fate,so there is nothing wrong in making money. 19.That’s not what life is about . 20have an eye for money 21flow into one single ambition 22 be content with/todo 23You have got it all wrong. 24No time to lose. 25It’s twice the size of Tiny Tim. 26on the contrary 27Toast to the New Year! 28Wish you all a merry Christmas. * *


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