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【强化训练】 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1.Mary ___________________ (not like) oranges. 2.I like _______________ (play) baseball. 3.Kate _________ (like) singing English songs. 4.Do you like ____ (she)? 专题归类复习三 doesnt_like playing likes her 考点3 可数名词与不可数名词 【要点解读】 可数名词是指可以计数的事物的名词,可数名词有单、复数形式;不可数名词是指不可以计数的事物的名词,不可数名词没有单、复数形式。 专题归类复习三 【强化训练】 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1.Some __________ (orange) is in the cup. 2.I want some _____________ (tomato) to eat. 3.Do you want some ___________ (salad)? 4.A pen ____ (be) on the desk. 5.Lots of vegetables ________ (be) in the supermarket (超市). 专题归类复习三 orange tomatoes salad is are 考点4 动词play的用法 【要点解读】 1.表示“打”球,可作及物动词和不及物动词,后接表示球类的名词,其后不加冠词。 They play basketball every day. 他们每天打篮球。 2.表示“演奏”乐器,为及物动词,后接表示乐器的名词,在西洋乐器名词前加the;接以人代表作品的名词,则不与冠词连用。 The girl played the piano very well. 这女孩钢琴弹得很好。 专题归类复习三 She plays Chopin very well. 她演奏肖邦的作品很出色。 3.表示“打(牌);下(棋)”,为及物动词,其后不加冠词,但与game连用时,常加冠词the。 Do you like playing cards? 你喜欢打牌吗? They often play chess. 他们经常下棋。 4.表示“演出;扮演;假扮”,可作及物动词和不及物动词,后接名词时用不用冠词要视情况而定。 The children play doctors and nurses. 孩子们假扮医生和护士玩。 专题归类复习三 5.常用短语有:play with与……一起玩,比赛;play a part / role in起……作用;play a trick on捉弄;play a joke on开玩笑;play back重放(录音、唱片等)。 Do you like playing with children? 你喜欢与孩子们玩吗? 专题归类复习三 【强化训练】 Ⅰ.单项选择 ( )1.I usually play________basketball in the afternoon. A.a    B.the   C./ ( )2.Does she like playing________piano? A.a B.the C./ ( )3.My grandfather likes playing________ chess, but I like playing________game. A.the; / B./; the C./; / 专题归类复习三 C B B ( )4.Lucy likes playing________her dog. A.with B.in C.for ( )5.I have ________dinner at 6:30 and then play________ping-pong with my sister. A.the; / B./; / C.the; the 专题归类复习三 A B Ⅱ.翻译句子 1.Do they play volleyball after school every day? ________________________________ 2.The girl often plays the guitar in the morning. ____________________________________ 3.The children often play policemen and thieves (小偷)


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