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Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Reliability-Based Design of
Chapter 6: Reliability-Based Design of Structures
Chapter 6: Reliability-Based Design of Structures
6.1 Reliability-Based Design Codes
6.2 Reliability-Based Design Formulas
6.3 Target Reliability Index in Chinese Codes
6.4 Calibration for Deterministic Codes
6.5 Practical LRFD Formulas in Current Codes
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Reliability-Based Design of
Reliability-Based Design of
6.1 Reliability-Based Design Codes
6.1 Reliability-Based Design Codes …1
6.1 Reliability-Based Design Codes …1
6.1.1 Role of a Code in the Building Process
– The building process includes pl anning, design, manufacturin g of
materials, transportation, construction, operation/use, and demolition.
– The role of a design code is to establish the requirements needed to
ensure an accept able level of reliability for a structure.
– The central role of a code is diagrammed in thef ollowing fi gure :
Owner Code User
6.1 Reliability-Based Design Codes …2
6.1 Reliability-Based Design Codes …2
6.1.2 Code Levels
– Level ⅠCodes: Use deterministic formulas
K (S Gk +SQk ) ≤Rk
– Level ⅡCodes: Use app roximate p robability limit state designf ormula
– Level ⅢCodes: Use full p robability analys is and design formula
– Level ⅣCodes: Use the total expected life cycle cost of the design as the
op timization criterion
6.1 Reliability-Based D
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