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* yes! yes! ! yes! ! ! It's just 名探偵コナン Real name : 工藤新一 Gender : male Age : seven Height : 120 cm weight : 19 kg identity : the first grade primary school pupils in Di Dan Strengths: football, reasoning, violin, piano, skateboard Saying : There is always one truth . Gender : male age : 17 Height : 174 cm Identity : the second grade students of class 2, senior high school in DiDan Strengths : good at football, reasoning Nickname : the Savior of the Japanese police ; Kanto detective Saying : I don't know the reason to kill others, but there is no reason for people to save others ! Gender : Female Age : 17 height : 160cm ( 15 years old at the time of height ) Occupation : Di Dan of senior high school students Strengths : Karate (won karate Championship ), household chores ( cooking very adept), mahjong poker (hardly lost ), game machine ( Senior ) Piano Weaknesses : afraid of ghosts Saying : courage is the just word to describe someone who steps forward bravely , which cannot be used to the killing ! Real name : 宫野志保 Gender : Female Age : seven (actually eighteen) Height : 105cm Weight : 18kg Star : Capricorn Characteristic : smart; cool; beautiful Interest : read female fashion magazine; play a trick on kenan; watch a football game; take care of small animals Saying : What the mirror shows is the real images, but not the real one . I feel sorry for that you a man who devotes to persuing the truth must cheat others because of me. Real name : 黑羽快斗 Introduction : the super thief, International Criminal Code "1412 " ; like to commit the crime in the night dressed in white dress, wearing special glasses , wearing a cloak which can be turned into a lider ; good at various magic tricks, master of disguise, even without resorting to props and imitate anyone's voice ; Strengths: magic ;skiing Looking : be almost same as xinyi but the hair Nickname : the magician in the moonlight Physiological age : 17 Height : 174cm Origin : Osaka City Occupation


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