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交通科学 第 27 卷   第 6 期 武 汉 理 工 大 学 学 报( 与工程版) V o l. 27 N o. 6 2003 年 12 月 Jou rn a l o f W uh an U n iver sity o f T echno lo gy D ec. 2003 (T ran spo r tat ion Science Eng ineer ing) In stan taneou s T em p eratu re F iled N um erical Sim u lation of the Coup ling System of D iesel Engine H eated Com ponen t Qian Zuoq in (S chool of E nergy and p ow er E ng ineering , W U T , W uhan 430063) Abstract In th is paper , a cycling in stan taneou s heat tran sferring sim u lating m odel of th is dim en sioned coup ling system of p iston assem b ly and cylinder liner is induced. , . A dvanced the p reviou s researches th is m odel app roaches clo ser to real case A t last, a coup ling system of the cycling in stan taneou s tem peratu re field of p iston as sem b ly and cylinder liner of diesel engine type 4135 is con structed. In addition , the tem peratu re field at the suppo rt p iston p in w h ich has seldom been m en tioned befo re is induced. W ith the help of sim u lation and calcu lation of 4135 diesel engine, the


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