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580 2000 10 13 10 China J Orthop Trauma, October 2000, Vol13, No10 欧来良 王志彬 李林安 梅妍 ( , 300112) ! , , , ∀ ∀∀ ( 1) ∀∀ ∀ ( 2) ∀∀ ∀ , ( 3) , , , , ! Measurement and analysis of mechanical characters of the willow splints O U Lailiang , WA N G Zhibin, L I L inan, et alT he I nteg r ation of Tr aditional and Wes tern M edicinal A cademy of Or thop aedics of T ian j ing Tianj ing, 300112) Abstract! Objective To study mechanical characters of the willow splint , and investigate the scientif ic parameters for the splintMethods 80 pieces of willow splints were divided into four groups according to t he sites of their applicationT wo pieces were selected randomly from the groups of the anteriosplint , postero splint, medial splint and lateral splintThe changes of deflection wit h load and time w ere measured and the law of t he changes were analysedResults ( 1) relationship between stress and strain of the splint w as in line w ith Hu e# s law under given load limits( 2) curves of the splint did not coincide when t he load w as increased or decreased( 3) Deflection of the splint would increase w ith time under ident ical load conditionsConclusion T he willow splint is a ind of stic and elastic texture bodyIts mechanic character is unstable and a study of t he improvement of the splint w ith a new material seems to be necessary Key Words! Splint Biomechanics Fracture , , , , , , , 1 [ 1] , , , 1 x ∃ s) ( mm) , ∀ , 1531∃ 108 2257 ∃ 073 2078∃ 347 3133∃ 252 , 6156∃ 22


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