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煉鋁爐渣為原料製作耐火材料之研究 Refractory Material Produced from Aluminum Dross 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 S.F. Yang C.Y. Yeh Y.H. Chang S.J. Jiang In t h i s st u dy, r efr act or y m at er ial w a s produced from u sing aluminum dross as base material. The aluminum dross is a waste-product from melting aluminum scraps when reclaimed can reduce its impact on environments. We fir st m ade sure the toxicity level of the product is w ith in the cr it er ia of toxicity ch ar act er i st ic leach in g pr ocedu r e (TCLP) . ( 1) Then , we investigated the effect of aluminum (2) (3) d r o s st o c ar b ox y l m et hy l c el lu l o se (CM C) (4) solution ratio on the properties of the refractory material such as porosity, density, compressive 8 % (V/W) st r en gt h , an d ch em ical comp o sit ion s . Ou r t est r esu lt s sh owed th e r efr act or y pr odu ct s 1100 1400 wh en m anu fact u r ed u sin g 8% (V/ W ) CMC 1200 solution and sintering at 1200has 1.78g/cm3 1.78 g/cm311 % bu lk den sity, 11 % op en p orosity, 390.6 kgf/ 390.6 kgf/cm2 cm2 compressive strength , and 75.35 % Al O 2 3 75.35 wt% con cent r at ion .Th e m anu fact u r ed r efr act or y TCLP m at er ial w a s pr oved t o b e env ir on m ent ally friendly. 關鍵詞: Key words: A lu m i


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