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本科毕业设计说明书 全自动蓄电池容量检测仪的设计 全自动蓄电池容量检测仪的设计4、测量结束后有报警提示Abstract The design is battery measurement system, of which AT89C51 micro controller as the core, through the software programming of AT89C51 SCM can achieve the following basic requirements: 1, battery capacity measurement by battery discharge; 2, measuring dynamic value of voltage, 3, may switch display the battery capacity / voltage; 4, alarm after the end of a measure. In order to detect the battery voltage, show that voltage, we must sample voltage, and sampling circuit is small current discharge so that test the voltage more accurate; To test the battery capacity, we must sample current, and discharge current is large. Discharge current is 3A-4.5A, also requires discharge current constant as possible. The constant current discharge circuit is composed of Integrated Operational amplifier. Structure is simple, and adjustment is easy. The constant discharge circuit ensure that the discharge current fundamental constant, so as to ensure the accurate of capacity detection. Measure and display voltage by real-time, 10.5 V to the discharge, and the discharge is over. Display capacity by real-time, and calculate the capacity by integration, do not need manual calculations. Using AT89C51 SCM of Atmel, 4K ROM within the SCM, without external ROM, the battery capacity detection system, design made of it, showed its monolithic structure, hardware circuit is simple, the main function work by the software programming. So size is small, it is highly reliable and measurement and showing is convenient, intuitive, price is low. Key words: Lead-acid batteries , Capacity detection ,Constant current discharge 目 录 摘要(中文) I 摘要(外文) II 1绪论 1 1.1课题研究的目的与意义 1 1.2 国内外研究状况 1 1.3 本设计要完成的工作 3 2全自动蓄电池容量检测仪的原理简述 5 2.1电池容量检测模块原理简述 5 2.1.1 蓄电池容量检测方法 5 2.1.2 蓄电池容量试验条件及要求 7 2.1.3 恒流放电电路的介绍 7 2.2 水浴温度检测模块原理简述 8 2.2.1蓄电池容量与环境温度的关系 8 2.2.2 水浴温度控制PID算法介绍 8 3 硬件设计 11 3.1 AT89C51简介 11 3.1.1 主要特性 11 3.1.2 时钟振荡电路和复位电路 12 3.2 温度检测硬件设计 13 3.3 温度控制部分硬


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