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PAGE PAGE 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 题 目: 关于家庭暴力的法律分析 __ 院 (系): 成人教育学院________ 专 业: 法学(本科) 学生姓名: X X 班 级: 学 号: 指导教师: 题目类型: 理论研究 实验研究 工程设计 工程技术研究 软件开发 2007 年 10 月 20 摘 要 许多人都认为家庭暴力是“家务事”、是“私事”,这种意识长期以来影响着我国反家庭暴力的立法和司法的态度,我国至今为止还没有一部专门的反家庭暴力法律法规。不仅在立法上存在着不足,在司法和执法方面也存在着很大的漏洞。使家庭暴力游离于法制观念以外,家庭暴力没有能够在法律上得以有效地遏止。众多受害者特别是女性因受家庭暴力的迫害,身心健康受到极大摧残。面对严峻的现状,笔者试图从家庭暴力的概念、种类、特征、产生的原因及社会危害性,寻求遏制家庭暴力的法律预防措施,期盼立法机关加强对家庭暴力方面的立法,抑制家庭暴力案件迅猛上升的势头,促进我国社会主义和谐社会的顺利进行。 关键词:家庭暴力;妇女权益;维权机制 Abstract Many people think that domestic violence is a family matter and was a private matter. This awareness will influence our long-standing anti-family violence legislation and judicial attitude China so far has not been a specialized anti-domestic violence laws and regulations. Not only in the presence of legislative shortcomings of the judicial and law enforcement there was a significant loophole. Family violence drifting outside the legal system, domestic violence can not legally be able to prevent. Many victims, particularly women because of the persecution of domestic violence, physical and mental health of great devastation. Faced with the grim situation, the author attempts from the concept of family violence, types, characteristics, causes and the danger to society. seeking to curb domestic violence prevention law, the legislature hopes to strengthen domestic violence legislation, Inhibition of domestic violence cases increased by the rapid momentum, and promote a harmonious socialist society smoothly. Keywords:Domestic Violence; Womens rights; Safeguard their rights mechanisms 目 录 引言 1 家庭暴力的概念…………………………………………………1 2 家庭暴力的种类及特征………………………………………………1 2.1 家庭暴力的种类………………………………………………………………2 2.2 家庭暴力的特征……………………………


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