关于糖尿病问题的综述论文   .doc

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PAGE      PAGE 25    关于糖尿病问题的综述论文      作 者:      学 号:       学 院:        系(专业):         题 目:                       摘要      糖尿病是一种由于血糖失控高出正常水平所造成的全身性进行性疾病,并发症多,且严重,其患病率在我国逐渐增高,随着生产的发展,生活水平提高及人口寿命的延长,糖尿病发病率迅速增长,已成为世界各国越来越严重的一个公共卫生问题。近年来,随着我国社会经济条件的改善,人民生活水平的不断提高,饮食结构的改变,劳动强度的减低,人群平均寿命延长,应激状态增多,以及糖尿病检测手段的改进,与世界各国一样,糖尿病患病率在逐渐上升,糖尿病对我国人民健康的影响日趋严重,我国虽属世界上糖尿病低患病率国家,但糖尿病患者的人数已居世界第二位(仅次于美国),增加速度惊人。通过日常学习以及一些资深专家的研究来了解一些有关糖尿病问题。本论文从糖尿病的发病机理、病症特点、简单的诊疗手段和预防措施等方面进行论述,得出一些结论从而总结出对人们有益的经验和意见,能缓解糖尿病患者的增长速度。            关键词:糖尿病 趋势 论述 结论                                          The paper about diabetes problems were reviewed       abstract      Diabetes is a higher than normal blood sugar control because of systemic sex disease caused by complications, and serious in our country, its prevalence increased gradually, with the development of production, life level and population the life extension, incidence of diabetes rapid growth, has become one of the world more and more serious public health problem. In recent years, as Chinas social and economic conditions to improve the peoples living standard, the continuous improvement of the dietary structure change, reduction, labor intensity, the crowd average life expectancy increased stress of extended, and diabetes testing means of improvement, and as countries around the world, the prealence of diabetes in diabetes to rise gradually, affect the health of our people, though an increasingly serious in China in the world, but low prevalence of diabetes state the number of diabetic patients already ranking second in the world (after the United States), increase at breakneck speed. Through the daily learning and some senior experts research to understand something about diabetes problems. This paper from the onset of diabetes mechanism, disease characteristics, simple diagnostic methods and preventive measures are discussed, draw some conclusions thus summed up people goo


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