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毕业设计中文摘要 中文摘要 摘 要: 我本次设计的课题为多层框架教学楼。为六层框架结构,建筑总高度23.7m,建筑面积约5000m2。通过对该幢建筑的建筑、结构设计,熟悉了单体建筑的前期准备、设计、施工全过程,绘制了建筑、结构设计图纸,本计算书详细介绍了此教学楼的建筑、结构设计的全过程。设计分为建筑设计阶段和结构设计阶段两部分。 一、建筑设计阶段 在建筑设计阶段,通收集各种优秀的设计方案,同时对相关建筑物的实地考察,形成一定的设计概念,在对相关规范认真学习的基础之上进行初步建筑方案设计,在图纸上绘制总平面图、各层平面图、主要立面图、主要剖面图的草图。在专业老师指导下,进行反复修改,并最终在计算机上绘制详图,达到正确美观的效果。 二、结构设计阶段 在结构设计阶段,可以采用力矩分配法和分层法对竖向荷载作用下的框架结构进行内力计算;在水平荷载作用下的内力计算可采用D值法,用电算进行计算,手算校核;为了减少框架结点外的钢筋拥挤,方便施工,根据框架结构延性设计原则,可采用弯矩调幅法人为的减少梁端负弯矩。 关键词: 教学楼 建筑物 结构 框架结构 建筑设计 结构设计 水平荷载 纵向荷载 毕业设计外文摘要 Abstract Abstract:My this design topic for multi-layered frame classroom building. For six portal frame constructions, construction gross altitude 22.5m, floor space approximately 5000m2. Through to this buildings construction, the structural design, was familiar with the monomer construction earlier period preparation, the design, to construct the entire process, has drawn up the construction, the structural design blueprint, this account book introduced this classroom building construction, the structural design entire process in detail. The design divides into the architectural design stage and the structural design stage two parts. one, architectural design stage in the architectural design stage, passes collects each kind of outstanding design proposal, simultaneously to is related the building on-the-spot investigation, forms certain design concept, in studies earnestly to the related standard above the foundation carries on the preliminary construction project design, draws up the general layout, each horizontal plan, the main elevation, the main sectional drawing schematic diagram on the blueprint. Under the specialized teacher guide, carries on revises repeatedly, and draws up the detail finally on the computer, achieves the correct artistic effect。 two, structural design stage in the structural design stage, may use the moment of force method of distribution and the delamination carries on the endogenic force computation to under the vertical load func


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