必修4 unit2 words讲解(全).ppt

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必修4 unit2 words讲解(全)

Unit 2 Working the land Words Expressions statistics n. (常用pl. statistics)统计数字/资料 according to official statistics Statistics show that… (u)统计学 Statistics is a branch of mathematics. sunburnt adj. 晒黑的 = sunburned His shoulders were badly sunburnt. sunburn vt. 使晒焦,晒伤 vi. 晒黑 n. (u)晒伤(亦用a sunburn) I’ve got a bad sunburn. burn vi. vt. (使)燃烧 be burning to do sth 心急如焚地要做某事 struggle vi. ①挣扎, 搏斗;奋斗, 拼搏, 努力 struggle to do sth 挣扎着/努力做某事 struggle for… 努力争取…; 为…而奋斗/斗争 struggle with/against… 与…作斗争 struggle with… 与…并肩作战 struggle for success / recognition struggle for one’s future / a living struggle with/against illness ②艰难地行进 struggle towards/ through/ into… We struggled through the crowd. struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来 get / rise / jump to one’s feet 站/跳起来 struggle on vi. 挣扎着坚持下去 n. (c)搏斗,挣扎;斗争,奋斗,努力 Life is a struggle but also an enjoyment. Don’t give up without a struggle. Police examined the body but found no signs of a struggle. be a struggle for sb …是困难/费劲的事 decade n. (c) a period of 10 years 十年; 十年期 for the past five decades 在过去的50年间 for several decades 几十年来 in the first decade of the 21st century super adj. (informal) extremely good; wonderful 特级的;超级的 What a super idea! I had a super time at the party. adv. (AmE, spoken)十分;非常 super- prefix. 超;过 supermarket / superhero / superman / superstar superpower n. (c)超级大国 supernatural adj. 超自然的 superb adj. (无比较级)极好的;超级的 a superb speech/ performance hybrid adj. 混合的;杂种的 n. (c)杂交种;混血儿 super hybrid rice 超级杂交稻 output n. (c, u)产量;输出 vt. 输出;生产 The daily output has been increased by 25% since last month. →input n. (sing, u)投入;输入 strain n. (c)(植物的)品种;种类 try to develop a new strain of wheat crop n. (c)庄稼; 农作物 grow crops The main crop in china is rice. (c)(小麦、水稻、水果等一季的)收成,产量 gather / harvest a crop We have a good crop of apples this year. →a crop of… 一群/一批(同时出现的人,物) a large crop of new books hunger n. (u)饥饿;欲望 die of hunger / starvation have a (strong


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