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5 5 V o.l 5 2009 10 Chinese Journal o f U nderground Space and Eng ineering O ct. 2009 * 三软 煤巷围岩移动规律研究 张明建, 郜进海 , 王大顺 , 45000 3 ) : 三软 煤层在河南省具有分布范围广的特点, 特别在新义地 , 该地质环境下, 巷道变形量大, 且巷道围岩的变形破坏过程极为复杂, 巷道的支护难度大, 严重影响着煤矿的 安全生产根据该 三软 煤层巷道掘进期间的巷道变形量现场观测结果, 分析了该地质条件 下巷道掘进后不同时期不同部位的变形规律, 为选择合理的巷道支护方式及二次支护的时间 提供了理论依据, 同时也对类似条件下巷道围岩变形的观测和分析具有一定的指导意义 : 三软 煤巷; 围岩; 离层; 移动规律 : TD 325 : A : 1673- 0836 2009) 05- 0910 - 05 Research on Surrounding RockM ovem ent Rules of Threesoft CoalRoadway ZHANG M ingjian , GAO J inhai, WANG Dashun (School of E nergy Sc ience and E ng ineer ing, H enan P oly techn ic Un iv er sity, J iaozuo 45000 3, Ch ina ) Abstract: T hreesoft coal seam is w ide ly distributed in H enan P rov ince, Ch ina, espec ially in X inY i areas. In such g eo log ical env ironment, the roadw ay w ou ld have big deform ation, and the process o f deform ation o f the sur rounding rock is ex trem e com plex, the roadw ay supporting is difficult, w hich has a ser iou s influence on the sa fe pro duc tion of coal m ine. A cco rd ing to the f ie ld observation resu lts of roadw ay de fo rm ation dur ing tunne l ex cava ting in three- so ft coa l seam, the defo rma tion ru le in d ifferen t per iods and different parts is analyzed after ro adw ay drive under such geo log ica l cond itions, w h ich prov ides a theoretica l basis to se lect the reasonab le roadw ay support and sec ondary suppo rt tmi e, and also has certa in directive sign if icance to o


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