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英国饮食文化:从小饼干看英国各地饮食差异 Soggy bottoms are preferred in the North – but southernerstend to favour a quick dunk.   北方人通常把饼干底部都泡得软软的,而南方人则只是蜻蜓点水般稍微泡一下。   Yes, England is divided when it comes to eating biscuits,according to a poll showing 65% of those north of Stoke arebig dippers.   没错,在吃饼干的正确方式这个问题上,英国内部意见不一,一份民调显示,斯托克城以北地区,65%的人都喜欢把饼干泡久一点。   They happily wait for the biscuit to go soft before tucking in – risking it ending up in the mug.   他们满怀欣喜地等着饼干慢慢泡软之后才吃——虽然有可能一不小心就让饼干在杯子里化掉了。   But in the more tentative South, more than 50% of tea and coffee breakers minimise moisturewith a brief plunge and delicate first bite.   不过在更加谨慎的南方住民里,超过50%的人都只是把饼干稍稍蘸一下茶或者咖啡,再小小地咬下第一口。   Custard creams are king in Yorkshire, says the Waitrose Food and Drink report, while chocolatedigestives rule in Lancs, Oxford and Cambridge.   《维特罗斯(Waitrose)食品和饮料报告》显示,蛋奶冻夹心饼干在约克郡(Yorkshire)的人气无人能敌,而在兰开夏郡(Lancs)、牛津郡和剑桥郡,巧克力消化饼干才是王道。   Curiously Oxford prefers dark and Cambridge, milk.   令人奇怪的是牛津郡的人喜欢就着只加少量牛奶(或奶油)的咖啡吃饼干,剑桥郡的人更喜欢就着牛奶吃。   Ginger nuts are tops in the North East.   东北地区人民的最爱是姜汁饼干。   Traditional Rich Tea is a favourite in the south west and Wales while Midlands folk enjoy MaltedMilk.   传统的下午茶饼干是西南地区和威尔士地区人们的心头好,中部地区人民则青睐麦乳精饼干。 Cookies are the number one choice in the East of England but bizarrely the Sussex coast breakswith tradition preferring KitKat bars to biccies.   曲奇是东英格兰地区人们的首选,但令人诧异的是,苏塞克斯郡沿岸地区的人们打破传统,他们更喜欢奇巧(KitKat)巧克力棒,而不是饼干。   Unsurprisingly, shortbread is the top choice in Scotland.   黄油酥饼毫无意外地是苏格兰人民的最爱。   Waitrose said: The nations dunking habits produced surprising results. Choice of biscuit coulddefinitely be linked to your postcode.   维特罗斯表示:“这个国家泡饼干的习惯导致了惊人的结果。你选择的饼干绝对可以和你居住的地区联系起来。”   Londoners go for posh breakfast biscuits.   伦敦居民喜欢更有腔调的“早餐饼干”。   But if children did the shopping, wed all be eating Jammie Dodgers, according to data from 343Waitrose stores.   不过343家数据显示:如果让孩子们购物的话,我们吃到的估计都是果酱夹心饼干。


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