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2 0 0 7 3 38 3 * 杨 坚 陈国晶 梁兆新 莫建霖 林 茂 , , , 2 , , , : 2 1, 30. 5 , 11. 5 , 4 11% : + : S225. 5 3 : A Experimental Study on Influencing Factors of Broken Biennial Root Rate for a Single Base Cutter of Sugarcane Harvester Yang Jian1Chen Guojing1 Liang Zhao in2Mo Jianlin2Lin M ao1 ( 1. Guangx i Univ er si ty 2. Guangx i Zhuang A ut onomy Research I nstit ut e of A g r icul tural M ach inery ) Abstract The e perimental investigations for the influencing factors of broken biennial root rate w ere made by a sugarcane cutter testing rig . A mathematical model w as established for describing the effects of the influencing parameter s on the broken biennial root rate. The effects of field factor s and structure factors on the broken biennial root rate were discussed. The optimization of the br oken r ate under the condition of the minimum fr equency and amplitude, as w ell as tw o soil bases, was perfor med. The results show that the frequency and amplitude have a remarkable in- fluence on the br oken biennial root rate. Under the optimal condition, the broken rate is less than 11 percent . Key ordsSugar cane, Cutter, Broken biennial root rate, Mechanism , Optimization , , 1 ( ) ( ) , 1. 1 ( ) , , , 1 [ 14] , : 2005 12 26 * ( : 0448006) , 530004 , 530001 70 2 0 0


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