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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 双语:DQ冰淇淋被曝细菌超标 这则双语新闻报道,北京市消保委公布的冰淇淋比较试验结果显示 ,多个知名品牌的冰淇淋产品抽检细菌超标,其中DQ冰淇淋大肠菌群 超10倍。下面,就请跟智课留学一起,进入今天的托福阅读材料吧! 更多托福最新政策及托福备考方法,请点击此处向智课顾问进行免费 咨询^_^  International brands join list of bacteria-tainted ice creams Mister Donut, an American donut chain, and Baskin Robbins, a popular international chain of ice cream parlors, said yesterday that they have taken some of their ice-cream products off the shelves after a quality inspection found excessive levels of bacteria in them。 Three other blacklisted companies, Dairy Queen, Donut King and Cold Stone, however, said their products were safe。 Mister Donut Shanghai Co Ltd said it has suspended sales of its vanilla flavor ice cream after receiving the test results from Shanghais consumer protection commission。 Mister Donut has double checked the cleaning and disinfection process of its stores and will not resell the ice cream until the company can make sure there is no problem in the operation process, it said in a statement。 The donut chain has more than 20 stores in the city。 Baskin Robbins has taken the cheese-taste ice cream off the shelves and enhanced its sterilization process after the check, Shanghai Songqing Catering Management Co Ltd, which operates Baskin Robbins stores in the city, said in a statement yesterday。 The company has taken measures such as disinfecting kitchenware (knives, cups and stainless steel scoops) more frequently to reduce the possibility of bacterial infection。 DQ, Donut King and Cold Stone said their ice-cream products had passed third-party tests on many occasions, with test reports attached to their statements yesterday。 Shanghai Cold Stone Co Ltd said its original flavor ice cream, which was listed as substandard by the commission, passed an inspection by a third party but has still asked its stores to oversee the temperature of ice cream more strictly and step up disinfection。 DQ and Donut King made similar announce


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