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透析2011北京中考试题 迈好作弊第一步 考试用具 1.窃听器。 2.录音笔。 3.TGPS卫星定位监考老师系统。 4.AD钙奶。 5.脑残片。 6.叫兽笔记本。 7.透视眼镜。 过程 关于过程,我们有一个口诀。 一听二看三抄 就是先听自己昨天准备好的答案,然后用TeacherGPS观察监考老师的动态,最后伺机粘贴到卷子上——(先写Ctrl+c,然后在卷子上写Crtl+v,过一会就有答案了。) 下面开始试题分析 2011年中考由于政府机密泄露,考题流到民间,被人众人发现,转贴到网上,但是,政府在5S之内将其全部删除,全北京只有我的电脑里有一份存档,于是乎我决定和大家分享。首先是英语试卷。 听力 单选 21. Tom and Mike are good friends. _____ often help each others. A. They? ?????? B. Them?? ???? C. Their?? ???? D. Theirs 22. Some volunteers from Beijing arrived in Shanghai _____ April 29 to work for the World Expo. A. on?? ??????????B. at?? ???????????C. of?? ???????????D. to 23. The reading room _____ very quiet. I enjoy reading books there. A. am?? ?????????B. is?? ???????????C. are?? ????????? D. be 24. –______ schoolbag is this? –I guess it’s Lily’s. A. What?? ??? B. Who?? ????C. Whose?? ?????D. Which 25. –Which color do you like ______, blue or green? –Blue. A. good?? ?????B. better?? ??C. best?? ?????????D. the best 26. There is ______ wrong with this computer. It doesn’t work well. A. something?? ??? B. anything?? ?????? C. everything?? ?????????? D. nothing 27. –________ you turn down your radio, please? –Yes, I can. A. May??? ?????B. Need?? ???? C. Must?? ????? D. Can 28. –Would you like to go to the concert with me? –I’d love to, ______ I’m afraid I have no time. A. so? ???????????B. or?? ??????????C. and?? ???????D. but 29. –What’s your father doing now? –He ______ the room A. cleaned?? ??????? B. cleans?? ????????? C. has cleaned?? ???????? D. is cleaning 30. Tom will call me as soon as he ______ home. A. gets?? ????B. has got?? ?? C. got?? ????? D. will get 31. Granny often tells us _____ water in our daily life. A. save?? ???B. saving?? ?????C. to save?? ?D. saves 32. Rose came to Beijing in 2002. she ______ here for eight years. A. was living?? ??? B. live?? ????????????? C.


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