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基于FPGA的实用电子称 摘要:该设计以现场可编程门阵列FPGA为核心控制部件,并基于超高速硬件描述语言VHDL在Xilinx公司的SpartanⅡE系列的XC2S100E芯片上编程实现;系统的硬件部分包括FPGA最小系统板,数据采集、人机交互界面三大部分。最小系统部分主要是扩展了外部数据存储器,数据采集部分由压力传感器、信号的前级处理和A/D转换部分组成。人机界面部分为键盘输入 ,点阵式液晶显示,软件基于VHDL语言实现了本设计的全部控制功能,包括基本的称重功能,和发挥部分的显示购物清单的功能,并增加了时钟、过载提示欠量程提示、语音提示等创新功能。整机系统结构简单,使用方便。功能齐全,精度高,具有一定的开发价值。 关键词:电子称,计价,压力传感器,FPGA,VHDL Design of applied Electronic-balance Based on FPGA Tutor : Yan Wang Weiqing XU Zhengyu Tang Renfu Lan (Electric Engineering College NanHua University Hengyang Hunan,China) Abstract: This is a design for applied electronic-balance which is based on FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array). The design will be achieved in the Spartan-II E-XC2S100E chip of Xilinx corporation by programming with the VHDL(Very High-speed Description Language) The hardware of the system includes the minimum system of FPGA, the data collector, the interface of person and machine . The minimum system’s function mainly is to expand the storage,The data collector is composed of pressure sensor and A/ D convertor,The interface of persom and machine includes keyboard and LCD display.The software will achieve all control functions of this design according to the language of VHDL.This functions is including to weigh the function basically, and the function of the shopping detailed list. Besides, we adding several expanding functions such as displaying clock and prompting when the matter is overload .The structure of the whole machine is simple, the usage is convenience., the accuracy is high, It is worth of empoldering to this applied electronic-balance. Keyword:The electronic balance, Pressure sensor, FPGA, VHDL 目录 第一章 系统方案的设计 4 1.1电子称的设计要求 4 1.1.1基本要求 4 1.1.2 发挥部分 4 1.1.3创新部分 4 1.2 设计的基本思路 4 1.3 系统方案比较和论证 4 1.1.3控制器 4 1.3.2前级放大器 5 1.3.3 A/D转换器 6 1.3.4显示输出电路 6 1.4 系统组成 7 第二章 单元电路设计 7 2.1 称重传感器 7 2.2 前端信号处理 8 2.3 A/D转换电路 9 2.4主控制控制电路 10 2.5人机交互界面 11 2.5.1键盘接口电路 11 2.5.2 LCD显示接口电路 12 2.5.3 LED数码管显示电路 12 2.6 日历时钟电路 13 2.7 电源电路 14 2.8 其它扩展电路 14 2.8


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