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BETS-3教程短语 1. get away with (侥幸)做成 …even for work, I can get away with casual stuff. 2. fit into 合适,穿得下 There is no way you can fit into my shoes. We made those trousers in six different sizes to sit everyone. 3. dress up 盛装打扮 Don’t dress up for the club tonight, everyone’s looking more casual there nowadays. 4. stand out 出众 (be seen very clearly) I would always stand out in a crowd. 5. put together 组合 (join or combine things) I often put together outfits from stuff in street markets. 6. slip on (get dressed in sth.) My clothes have to be comfortable and make me feel relaxed as soon as I slip them on. 7. take back (return) 8. go out (go somewhere for entertainment) 9. keep up with 跟上 ( know the most recent facts about sth) Keep up with the latest fashions. 10. cut down 削减 (reduce) My mum thinks I should cut down a bit on what I spend. 11. make an effort to do 努力 As my job involves dealing with people, I have to make an effort to look good all the time. 12. set up 组织 Set up a tent / a shop 13. back up 备份 14. break down 崩溃 15. crack down (on) 镇压,打击 16. let down 松动,减低 17. download 下载 18. upload 上载 19. upgrade 使升级 20. trade off … for 交换 交易 21. at the mercy of 完全受……支配 22. save up 储存,节省 I’d save up for weeks and then by some expensive clothes 23. do sb a favour 帮某人一个忙 24. do military service 服兵役 25. do the shopping 购物 26. do one’ s best 尽力 27. do sth for a living 以……谋生 28. holiday –maker 度假者 29. anti –freeze 防冻剂 30. all out 全力以赴地,竭尽全力 Go all out to do sth 31. sharp-tongued 说话尖酸刻薄的 32. cross – eyed 斜视的,对眼的 33. narrow- minded 气量小的,小心眼的 34. broad-minded 气量大的 35. drive –in 免下车的 36. hard-up 缺钱,手头紧 37. well-off 手头宽裕的 38. kill time 消磨时间 39. take time off 抽出时间 40. tell the time 报时 41. ten times three 10 乘3 42. behind the times 落后于时代 43. on edge 紧张不安 44. hair-raising =spine-chilling 另人毛骨悚然的,另人恐惧的 45. go to pieces 身体或精神崩溃,垮掉 46. go white/pale 脸色变得苍白 47. go rigid with fear 吓呆了 48. a range of 一系列 49. bungee jumping 蹦极跳 50. take one


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