
[PPT模板]Chapter3-Binary System and Boolean Algebra.ppt

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[PPT模板]Chapter3-Binary System and Boolean Algebra

科技英语中数学公式的读法 Computer English Chapter 3 Binary System and Boolean Algebra While other set operations may be defined, the operations of complementation union and intersection are of primary interest to us. A Boolean algebra is a finite or infinite set of elements together with three operations—negation, addition, and multiplication—that correspond to the set operations of complementation, union, and intersection, respectively. Among the elements of a Boolean algebra are two distinguished elements: 0, corresponding to the empty set; and 1, corresponding to the universal set. 虽然我们可以定义其他一些集合运算,但求补、并和交运算是我们最感兴趣的三个集合运算。一个布尔代数就是一个有限集或无限集,以及建立在该有限集或无限集上的三种运算——否定、加或乘,这三个运算分别对应于集合的求补、并和交运算。在布尔代数的元素中有两个特殊的元素:0,对应于空集;1,对应于全集。 3.3 Boolean Algebra For any given element of a Boolean algebra, there is a unique complement a with the property that a+a=1 and aa=0. Boolean addition and multiplication are associative and commutative, as are ordinary addition and multiplication, but otherwise have somewhat different properties. The principal properties are given in Table 3-2, where a, b, and c are any elements of a Boolean algebra. 对于一个布尔代数中任意给定元素a,都有一个唯一的补a?,它满足a+a?=1和aa?=0。布尔加和布尔乘与普通的加和乘一样,满足结合律和交换律,但除此之外含有一些不太相同的特性。其主要特性由表3-2给出,其中a, b和c是一个布尔代数中的任意元素。 3.3 Boolean Algebra * * 数学公式的读法(Pronunciation of mathematical expressions) 1 逻辑(Logic) there exists for all p? q p implies q / if p, then q p?q p if and only if q p is equivalent to q p and q are equivalent 2 集合(Sets) x?A x belongs to A / x is an element (or a member) of A x?A x does not belong to A / x is not an element (or a member) of A A?B A is contained in B / A is a subset of B A?B A contains B / B is a subset of A A?B A cap B / A meet B/ A intersection B A?B A cup B/ A join B / A union B B/A A minus B/the difference between A and B A×B A cross B / the Cartesian product of A and B(A与B的笛卡尔积) 数学公式的读法(Pronunciation of mathematical expressions) 数学公式的读法(Pronunciation of mathematical expressions) 3 实数(Rea


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