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Joint Venture Contract This contract is made on the Tuesday of December 5th, 2010… between Shanghai Building Materials Import Export Corporation organized under the laws of the People’s Republic of China, having its principle office at …, Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter called Party A) of the First Part. and The Global Construction Supplies Company organized under the laws of the USA, having its principle office at … Ohio, USA, (hereinafter called Party B) of the Second Part. 合资经营合同 按照中华人民共和国法律组成的上海建筑材料进出口公司,其总公司在中华民共和国,上海市,……为第一方(以下简称甲方)与 受制于美国法律的环球建筑物资供应公司,其总公司在美国,俄亥俄州,……为第二方(以下简称乙方) 于2010年12月5日订立本合同。 Recitals WHEREAS Party A desires to use Party B `s technology and trademark to manufacture and sell Road Marks in China and overseas markets; WHEREAS Party B desires to co-operate with Party A to manufacture and sell Road Marks in China and overseas markets, and WHEREAS both parties consider these objectives can best be achieved by the formation of a joint venture company under the relevant laws, rules, and regulations of the People’s Republic of China; NOW THEREFOR, in consideration of the premises and the covenants described hereinafter, Party A and Party B agree as follows: 情况说明 鉴于甲方愿意用乙方的技术和商标制造道路反光镜,并在中国和海外市场进行销售。 鉴于乙方愿意与甲方合作制造道路反光镜,并在中国和海外市场进行销售。 鉴于双方认为按照中华人民共和国有关法律、法规和规定组建合资经营公司可以很好完成该项目标。 为此,考虑到上述事实和以下描述的契约,兹甲乙双方同意如下: Article 1 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE JOINT VENTURE COMPANY In accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Joint Venture Using Chinese and Foreign Investment and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations, both parties agree to set up a joint venture limited liability company (hereinafter called the joint venture company ). The Chinese name of the joint venture company, as agreed upon, is 高速公路建筑材料供应公司 The English name of the joint venture company, as agreed upon, is Superhighway Construction Supplies Company (abbreviated as SCSC ). The principle of SCSC and its registe


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