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Where is it? in the cupboard empty There is a glass in the cupboard. The glass is empty. Where is it? on the plate sharp There is a knife on the plate. The knife is sharp. Where is it? There is a fork on the tin. The fork is dirty. on the tin dirty Where is it? There is a bottle in the refrigerator. The bottle is full. in the refrigerator full Example: Give me________ book. Which book ? _______book on the table. 书上P52页练习A: a The 书上P52页练习B: Example: refrigerator in the kitchen/ white There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. The refrigerator is white. 书上P52页练习B: 1: cup on the table/ clean There is a cup on the table. The cup is clean. Where (在哪里) Whose(谁的) What colour (什么颜色) How (怎样) which(哪一个)What make(什么牌子) Who(谁) What(什么) 1.给我一个空茶杯。 2.给她一把锋利的刀子。 3.给我们一些玻璃杯。 4.给他们一些报纸。 5.给他一些杂志。 Give me an empty cup. Give her a sharp knife. Give us some glasses. Give them some newspapers. Give him some magazines. 哪一个? Which one? 哪一些? Which ones? Review: 双宾结构 6.他的大衣是蓝色的。 7. 她的小狗是黑色的。 8. 我们的钢笔是褐色与白色相间的。 9. 他们的书是红色的。 10. 我的瓶子是满的。 His coat is blue. Her dog is black. Our pens are brown and white. Their books are red. My bottle is full. Review: 系表结构 Lesson 25 Mrs. Smith’s kitchen New Words kitchen [`k?t??n] n. 厨房 kitchen garden 菜园 Kitchen knife 菜刀 ? refrigerator [r?`fr?d??`ret?] n. 电冰箱 electric cooker 电炉 electric [i‘lektrik] adj. 带电的,可通电的 room [ru:m] n.房间 cup [k?p] 杯子 left [left] n.左边 middle[`m?dl] 中间 right [ra?t] n.右边 on the left n.左边 in the middle of ……的中间 on the right n.右边 What is this? kitchen [‘k?t??n] Mrs. Smith’s kitchen is small. electric cooker refrigerator table bottle cup What’s this? refrigerator [ri’frid??reit?] Where is the refrigerator? In the kitchen. There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. What colour is the refrigerator? The refrigerator is white. It is on the right. 表示某地有某物,我们可用“there be”句型来表示。句中往往有一个介词短语来表示位置或者地点。There be句型遵循就近原则. 句型有be 有


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