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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Scholar ONE --線上投稿系統 ESSENTIAL Science Indicators –排名查詢資料庫 * * * * The Scope of the Literature Problem – You cannot keep up! The annual worldwide production of information in publications is estimated as 8 TB in books, 25 TB in newspapers, 20 TB in magazines, and 2 TB in journals Every minute scientific knowledge increases by 2,000 pages It takes five years to read the new scientific material produced every 24 hours 80% of information is stored as unstructured text The number of papers associated with a pharma target: in 1990 = 100 in 2001 = 8 * ISI創辦人Garfield於1955年首次於Science期刊提出科學引文索引概念,爾後1961年推出SCI。 如果某位研究人員知道有一篇發表的論文對他的研究非常重要,透過引文索引的方式便可找出該論文。 而且他發現少部分的期刊經常被引用,顯示大部分的學者僅閱讀那些重要的期刊?收錄核心期刊 * * Cover to cover:只要有收該本期刊,每一篇文章都會收。 * * 期刊出版基本標準 時效性、編輯慣例、同儕評論 編輯內容 ISI 的編輯人員就需要確定這本期刊是否能使ISI資料庫的內容更加豐富,或者這個研究課題已有多個期刊涉及。 國際多樣性 (both source and cited articles) 同時將 “地域性” 納入考量 引文分析 這本期刊是否能吸引那些論文被證明有用、且經常被研究社群引用的作者? 這些作者本身是否對某個特定的研究領域有影響力? * * * * * The great depth of file available within the Web of Science provides a resource containing information for a huge volume of the world’s most important published research. It is extremely important that records for these quintessential papers are available for search and retrieval within a single resource. In addition, the fact that author Cited References are included within this tremendously deep file means that one may actually identify the research that influenced these key papers. In turn, the Web of Science Times Cited feature provides the ability to identify papers that have cited a key paper since its publication. These features are invaluable for gaining a true comprehension of the development of concepts of research over time. From just a single record within the Web of Science, gather related information by simply following the links designed to drive discovery. Navigate forward and backward in time through Cited References and Times Cited. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * T


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