9B Unit 4 Students see stars in Hollywood说课稿.doc

9B Unit 4 Students see stars in Hollywood说课稿.doc

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9B Unit 4 Students see stars in Hollywood说课稿

9B Unit 4 Students see stars in Hollywood说课稿 1 Material analysis 教材分析: 在课程标准中要求9年级学生能借助词典阅读包括信件、广告、说明等形式的语言材料,理解意思, 并能在整体理解文章的基础上进行推测判断。 这篇文章是牛津英语9B Unit4 All about films and TV中的Reading—Students see stars in Hollywood.内容是关于两位学生的好莱坞电影主题公园之旅。这篇Reading作为第一课时,采用了“PWP”的阅读教学模式,主要目标是学生通过体验之旅进行整体理解,同时又学习并积累与电影有关的重要词汇, 既培养良好的阅读习惯,又鼓励学生提出与好莱坞话题相关的问题,并在课后进行资料收集整理并交流,这能培养学生在实际生活中使用语言来交流探究的能力。 2 Class profile 学情分析: 这个班级由一群15-16岁的学生组成,大多数学生英语基础较好,喜欢团队合作,对英语学习的热情很高涨。他们在过去的三年中已经学习了1500个单词和词组,但是阅读能力需进一步提高。因此对于大部分学生来说要在一个课时内达到教师所预设的教学目标并不困难;对于部分学习有困难的学生,教师在课堂中有意识的降低教学要求,有针对性地对他们进行分层教学也能使他们达到教师所预设的教学目标。同时新课改中体现以学生为中心的教学理念,通过各种阅读活动的参与来更好地理解课文,并积累本课中的重要词汇,为学生课后的自主探究学习打好基础。 3 Teaching objectives教学目标: Language learning objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the meanings of the key words in the context of Students see stars in Hollywood. (e.g. crew, studio, impress, director, extra, select ) Ability objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will have practised reading skills for gist, specific information and detailed understanding. Character training objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be encouraged to raise questions, discuss them and solve them. 4 教学中重点和难点 教学重点: —Understanding the whole text through different reading activities. 教学难点及解决方法: Problem: Ss may not know how to raise creative questions. Solution: —The teacher gives an example. —The students discuss in groups. —When monitoring, the teacher gives students help if necessary. 5 教学过程和方法 Teaching methods: task-based teaching Teaching aids: Multi-media, students’ worksheet, etc. Teaching procedures教学过程 Stage Time Interaction Procedure Objectives I. Warm-up 3 StsT Students: Watch the video about filming a scene and think about questions. To elicit the topic and engage the students. II. Present the vocabulary 6 S-S Pair work 1. Students: Look at a picture of a film-making scene and write the words and phrases in the correct boxes. 2. Teacher: Check the answer To


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