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00:01:22,960 -- 00:01:25,430 自古以来 人类与兽人 There has been a war between orcs and humans 19 00:01:25,430 -- 00:01:27,490 就一直冲突不断 for as long as can be remembered. 20 00:01:31,810 -- 00:01:33,310 但是曾经 But there was once a time, 21 00:01:33,310 -- 00:01:35,950 我们甚至都不清楚敌人究竟是谁 when we did not even know who our enemy was. 22 00:01:38,750 -- 00:01:41,140 也不知那邪恶的绿魔法 所谓邪能 Or what that evil green magic, the fel, 23 00:01:41,140 -- 00:01:42,380 对我们有何影响 had done to us. 24 00:01:54,880 -- 00:01:57,570 但那是一切启始之初 我们又怎会知晓 But in the beginning, how could we have known. 25 00:01:58,520 -- 00:02:00,060 我们又有何选择 What choice did we have? 26 00:02:02,240 -- 00:02:03,950 我们的世界即将灭亡 Our world was dying. 27 00:02:04,120 -- 00:02:07,070 我必须为氏族找到新的家园 And I had to find my clan a new home. 28 00:02:15,690 -- 00:02:16,820 杜隆坦 Durotan. 29 00:02:17,880 -- 00:02:19,810 我能感觉到你的视线 I can feel your eyes. 30 00:02:22,800 -- 00:02:24,550 我以为你睡着了 I thought you were asleep. 31 00:02:25,670 -- 00:02:26,750 本来是 I was. 32 00:02:32,360 -- 00:02:36,920 梦见在冰雪中狩猎 Dreaming of a hunt, through the snow. 33 00:02:44,910 -- 00:02:46,300 我想到了一个名字 I thought of a name. 34 00:02:47,560 -- 00:02:50,250 先别说出来 妻子 Well. Keep it to yourself, wife. 35 00:02:50,800 -- 00:02:52,770 出生后我再给儿子取名 Ill choose a name when I meet him. 36 00:02:53,700 -- 00:02:54,730 或者女儿 Or her. 37 00:02:57,530 -- 00:03:00,340 那伟大的杜隆坦要怎么为儿子取名呢 And how will the great Durotan name his son? 38 00:03:01,980 -- 00:03:03,670 如果他不带我一起上路的话 If I do not travel with him. 39 00:03:04,080 -- 00:03:05,100 儿子吗 A son? 40 00:03:07,060 -- 00:03:08,840 你这大肚子能藏起来吗 Can you hide your fat belly? 41 00:03:12,830 -- 00:03:14,990 比你那颗大脑袋好藏多了 Better than you can hide your fat head. 42 00:03:49,370 -- 00:03:51,700 这么多氏族都聚集于此了 奥格瑞姆 So many clans in one place, Orgrim. 43 00:03:52,400 -- 00:03:54,940 嘲颅 黑岩 Laughingskull. Blackrock. 44 00:03:55,530 -- 00:03:57,030 所有氏族都被召唤了 All have been summoned. 45 00:03:57,290 -- 00:03:59,270 我们的战团将所向披靡 It will be a mighty warband. 46 00:04:00,340


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