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Season 6 The One After Vegas Written by: Adam Chase Transcribed by: Eric Aasen 601 离开拉斯维加斯 罗斯和瑞秋起床后完全忘了昨晚结婚的荒唐事。 早餐时,朋友们打听起来,两人方才如梦初醒,决定返纽约后取消婚约。 罗斯请瑞秋放心,此事他会全权料理,但他食言了。 钱德和莫妮卡均对自己的婚事意兴阑珊,但又说不出口。 如果两人的结合是命中注定,应该还会有征兆吧?征兆一个接着一个,但他们始终不肯认命。最后钱德建议同居。 乔伊接手菲比的食物供应车后,说服菲比陪他驾车回家。他承诺旅程会趣味盎然,但一路上他睡着的时候居多。 6.01 The One After Vegas Ross and Rachel wake up in bed together, remembering almost nothing about the night before. At breakfast, their friends ask them about it. Shocked, they decide to get an annulment once theyre back in New York. Ross tells Rachel hes taken care of it, but he hasnt. Neither Chandler nor Monica wants to go through with(v.把…进行到底 完成) their own marriage plans, but each one is scared to back out(v.收回 停止不干). They decide to look for another sign... but even though the signs keep coming, they keep denying it. Finally, Chandler suggests they live together. Joey (who still has Phoebes cab) convinces her to keep him company on the drive home. He promises to make it a fun road trip, but he ends up sleeping most the time.[Scene: The Wedding Chapel, continued from last season. Chandler and Monica are about to get married.] Chandler: Okay! (Stands up) This is it! (Claps his hands) clap ones hands v.拍手 Monica: Are you sure you wanna do this? (Suddenly the doors burst open, and ROSS AND RACHEL COME OUT ARM-IN-ARM!!!!! And Rachels carrying a bouquet!!! THEY GOT MARRIED!!!!) burst open v.猛然打开/bouquet n.花束 Ross: Well, hello, Mrs. Ross! (Throws some rice.) shower of rice:婚礼时撒向新人的生米。结婚仪式中很有趣的一项就是大家要向新婚夫妇头上撒生米(uncooked rice)。“生米”意味着生儿育女、多子多福,有祝福的意思/Tossing rice became most popular in America.Throwing things at a newly married couple is a very old tradition that may date back to ancient Rome or Egypt or even further back. The custom is intended to give newlyweds(n.新婚夫妇) good luck, and most of the items thrown at the couple represent fertility and abundance. Food has always been a popular choice because it symbolizes plentiful crops. Seeds and nuts symbolize fertility



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