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如果你变卦,这笔交易将无法完成。This book is composed of three chapters. 这本书由三个章节组成。 Are you dissatisfied with our decision? 你对我们的决定不满意吗? That song sounds familiar to me. 那首歌听起来很熟悉。 No nation can exist completely isolated from others. 没有哪个国家可以完全孤立于其他国家存在。 He felt nervous about the result. 他对结果感到很紧张。 Mrs. Smith is bearing up well since the death of her husband. 自丈夫逝世以来,史密斯夫人一直表现得很坚强。 How can you be so optimistic about the future? 你怎么能对未来如此乐观呢? A dog is sensitive to smell. 狗对气味很敏感。 Something has stuck in the pipe. 有什么东西卡在管道里了。 The beauty of the lake is beyond description. 这湖美得无法形容。 Your parents are not to blame you for such a result. 你父母不会为了这么个结果责怪你。 She plans to break up with her boyfriend. 她打算和男友分手。 You must build up your courage. 你一定要鼓起勇气。 Have you ever heard of a poet by the name of Shelley? 你听说过一个名叫雪莱的诗人吗? We communicate by means of language. 我们通过语言沟通。 He is by nature quite an easy-going man. 他本质上是一个很随和的人。 These totals check with mine. 这些总数与我的相符。 There was no garbage left to clean up. 没有需要清理的垃圾了。 I come into contact with all kinds of people in my work. 我在工作中接触到了各种人。 A new law has come into existence. 一部新的法律产生了。 I hope you can come up with a better plan than this. 我希望你能想出比这更好的计划。 I would let her cool off a few days before I approach her. 我会让她冷静几天再去见她。 Did you crash your car into something? 你有把车撞到什么东西上吗? No one can deprive of your human rights. 没人能剥夺你的人权。 The victims died from excessive bleeding. 这些受害者因流血过多而死。 Many species will gradually die out. 很多物种会逐渐灭绝。 How will you dispose of this problem? 你将如何处理这个问题呢? They made noises to drive away insects. 他们通过制造噪音来驱散昆虫。 They found it difficult to earn a living. 他们发现很难谋生。 Any translation, however good, will clearly fall short of the original. 任何翻译,无论多好,无疑都逊于原文。 So how did he get into acting? 那么他是如何开始演艺事业的呢? The party is going ahead as planned. 派对继续按计划进行。 A time bomb went off in the airport killing thirteen people. 一枚定时炸弹在机场爆炸,造成13人死亡。 I will just hang around here for a while. 我就在附近闲荡一会儿。 He is always idling around and good for nothing. 他总是无


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