Classroom Management 课堂管理.ppt

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Classroom Management 课堂管理

Classroom Management What roles do teachers play in the classroom? What are the different ways for students grouping? How can we maintain discipline in the classroom? Teaching Objectives 1.The roles teacher is supposed to play in a language classroom 2.The roles learners are supposed to play in a language classroom. 3.Some common groups in a language classroom and the cases in which they are appropriate. 4.How to keep the classroom in order. Classroom management:is the way teachers organize what goes on in the classroom. The goal of it is to create an atmosphere conducive to interacting in English in meaningful ways. Efficient classroom management can be achieved when the following six conditions are met: The teacher plays appropriate roles. The teacher provides clear instructions. The students are grouped in a way suitable for the learning activities. The teacher asks appropriate questions. There is discipline and harmony in the class. The students’errors are treated properly. The role of the teacher Based on the functions that the teacher performs in different activities, the teacher’s roles are controller, assessor, organizer prompter, participant and resource provider. Controller:The teacher control the pace so that activities run smoothly and efficiently. Control degree controlled practice, half-controlled practice and free practice. The more communicative an activity is, the less control that is needed. Assessor Two things-----correcting mistakes and organizing feedback. Correcting should be gentle. Organizing feedback Content feedback and form feedback Content feedback: it concerns an assessment of how well the students performed the activity as an activity rather than as a language exercise. In other words, the feedback centres on the content or subject matter of an activity: it aims to gives students feedback on their degree of communicative efficiency. Form feedback: tells the students how well they performed in terms of the accurate use of language. W


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