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雅思考试听力考题回顾?朗阁海外考试研究中心? 宋润霖?考试日期2013年9月21日总体评析?? 三新:Section 123?? 一旧:Section 4Section 1版本号场景题型NewTravellingCompletion一句话简介Hengrave international weekend电话咨询艺术节活动详细回忆1-10填空题:1. ticket price: £152. outdoor venue: park3. contact number: 071449553214. Saturday evening: music from all parts of Africa5. A market with people making and selling international food6. music band: Indiaother events: 7. special exhibition at the library8. film festival 9. literature: Russian poetry 10. 网站:ernitonal@ 重点词汇及扩展S1出现了最基本的钱数,电话号码,网址等基本信息,字数限制为只能填写一个单词或者一个数字,答案中的单词都为基本词汇。需要注意首字母大写。Section 2版本号场景题型NewShoppingMap Labeling / Multiple Choices一句话简介Home improvement plan一个商场的地图和详情详细回忆11-15地图题:11. Paint Section-bottom left: 选H12. Kitchen Section-in the middle: 选C13. Children Area-between the cafe and the Paint Section: 选G14. Bathroom Section-between the cafe and the Tool Section: 选E15. Garden Section-between the Tool Section Staff Area: 选D? 16-20单选题:16. 公司的优势:low prices 17. 员工最喜欢的:nice atmosphere 18. 必须给顾客:promote by giving customers magazine 19. 下次科普会关于:how to fix a fence 20. what the company will offer if customers buy new kitchen: free installation 重点词汇及扩展结合了传统租房场景中的词汇,配以购物咨询的主线,属混合场景,从地图题选项可看出,题目中给出的选项至少有8个,选项很多。Section 3版本号场景题型NewProject DiscussionMultiple Choices / Matching一句话简介两个学校负责人Jim和Joy的对话,关于teaching assignment 详细回忆21-25单选题21. Joy and Jim must finish their assignment because: 选:B. they want to start the practice session soon22. Tim thinks they should omit the theory because: 选:B. they want to focus on classroom management23. Joy believes 24. Jim wants to 25. Joy and Tim want to get the interview because: 选:B. they take too much time from the teachers? 26-30配对题,course sequencing: 26. class management 27. observation 28. lesson planning 29. individual tutorials 30. technology use 重点词汇及扩展学术场景中论文讨论等词集中出现,如session, tutorial, course等。Section 4版本号场景题型V09113 S4LectureCompletion一句话简介学校举办communication study conference 详细回忆31-40填空题:31-33为什么选择这个学校做会场:31. good facilities32. the range of research3


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