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《MATLAB计算与仿真》课程设计要求 (请仔细阅读,不按要求者后果自负) 提交课程设计报告的截止时间: 2014/06/20, 24:00(迟交的报告记为零分) 本课程设计满分为100分。请在每个问题下面依次解答,不要对题目本身进行任何编辑。撰写报告使用中文或英文均可。 所有的任务都请给出解决问题的过程及最终结果。只有最终结果、没有解决问题过程的,该任务记为0分。 解决问题的过程应包括必要的问题分析、思路描述、方法步骤、完整的MATLAB源程序代码等。 源代码(含测试用例)请确保测试无误后,再复制、粘贴到报告中。 源代码必须以.m文件格式与.doc报告一并提交。 抄袭者的课程设计成绩记为0分。 完成课程设计报告后,请另存为Word 2003的.doc格式(不是.docx),并按照以下格式命名本文档: MATLAB课程设计报告_班级_姓名.doc (例如:MATLAB课程设计报告_电子1班_张三.doc) 将报告与.m源代码文件一起压缩为ZIP或RAR文件包,然后以邮件附件发送到: coursework@ 邮件标题必须与作业文件名一致,避免老师看漏邮件、误以为迟交而记为零分。 Course Project Title: The Capacity of MIMO Wireless Channels Introduction The capacity of a wireless communication system depends on a few factors, such as the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), the radio channel environment, etc. Particularly, it also relates to the number of antennas used at the transmitter and the receiver. Generally speaking, a system employs multiple radio frequency antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver is referred to as a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) system. A typical MIMO system model is provided in Figure 1. Figure 1: The typical model for a MIMO system. As shown in Figure 1, the transmitter exploits transmit antennas, while the receiver exploits receive antennas. For example, the complex symbol transmitted by antenna 1 can be received by all the receive antennas, where the received complex symbols are , respectively. On the other hand, the received symbol at each receive antenna is actually the overlapped result of the symbols sent from all antennas. Furthermore, the wireless channel between the transmitter and the receiver is represented by a number of channel coefficients , each of which represents the specific channel link between a pair of transmitter and receiver. For instance, the channel coefficient is the link between the first transmitter and the first receiver, as plotted in Figure 1. In addition, the channel coefficients are often modeled as random variables conforming to specific distributions. The most widely used cha


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