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奥巴马2013年10月12日演讲译文 Good morning. 早上好。 Over the past few days, Ive met with Republicans and Democrats from both houses of Congress in an effort to reopen your government and remove the dangers of default from our economy. 在过去的几天里,我与两院的共和党人和民主党人探讨了如何让政府重新开门和避免我们的经济关门的危险。 Its a positive development that House Republicans have agreed on the need to avoid the economic consequences of not meeting our countrys commitments. Because once the debt ceiling is raised, and the shutdown is over, theres a lot we can accomplish together. 一个积极的进步是国会的共和党议员同意采取措施避我国免背信弃义对经济的不良后果。因为一旦债务上限提高了,关门期过了,我们可以共同成就很多事。 Weve created seven and a half million new jobs in the past three and a half years. Now lets create more. Weve cut our deficits in half over the past four years. Now lets do it in a smarter, balanced way that lets us afford to invest in the things we need to grow. 在过去的三年半里我们已经创造了750万新就业机会。现在我们要创造更多就业机会。在过去的四年里我们把赤字减少了一半。现在我们要以更加明智地统筹兼顾地减少赤字,使我们还能投资于我们需要发展的领域。 The truth is, theres a lot we can agree on. But one thing we have to agree on is that there is no good reason anyone should keep suffering through this shutdown. I met with some really innovative small business owners on Friday whove already lost contracts, lost customers, and put hiring on hold ? because the pain of this Republican shutdown has trickled down to their bottom lines. Its hurting the very citizens that our government exists to serve. Thats why a growing number of reasonable Republicans say it should end now. 时事是,我们有很多可以达成共识的地方。但是我们必须达成共识的是没有什么好理由让每个人承担这个关门的痛苦。周五我回见了一些着实是创新型的小企业主们,他们丢了合同,丢了顾客,还在考虑裁员—因为共和党人关闭政府带来的痛苦已经突破了他们的底线。它还在伤害我们的政府所服务的每个公民。这就是为什么越来越多的理性的共和党人都说现在应该结束政府关门了。 And it wouldnt be wise, as some suggest, to just kick the debt ceiling can down the road for a couple months, and flirt with a first-ever intentional default right in the middle of the holiday shopping season. Because damage to Americas sterling credit rating wouldnt just cause global markets to go haywire; it would become more expensive fo


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