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PAGE PAGE II PAGE I 商业银行消费信贷的风险分析和防范对策 内 容 提 要 近年来,消费信贷在我国得到了快速发展,并在社会经济活动中发挥着重要的作用,极大地推动了国民经济的发展。但与此同时,消费信贷中的风险问题也日益暴露出来,成为阻碍我国银行业稳健经营和科学发展的一大障碍。因此,研究消费信贷及其风险,探讨建立消费信贷风险管理的有效机制,对于我国商业银行业、金融体系乃至整个经济社会来说,都具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。 本文首先界定了消费信贷的涵义,对我国消费信贷的现状、类型及风险表现等进行阐述,接着从银行自身管理体制、消费者、个人信用制度及政策等方面,对我国商业银行消费信贷风险进行深入分析,基于商业银行消费信贷的风险管理理论,得出我国商业银行消费信贷产生风险的原因。最后,在以上研究的基础上,从微观政策和宏观政策两个层面提出我国商业银行消费信贷风险管理的对策建议。 关键词:商业银行 消费信贷 风险防范 Commercial Banks to consumer credit risk analysis and countermeasures Abstract In recent years, consumer credit in China has been developed rapidly in social economic activities, and plays an important role, greatly promoted the development of the national economy. But at the same time, consumer credit risk in the issues are becoming increasingly exposed an obstacle in banking, stable operation and scientific development the forward-momentum process. Therefore, the consumer credit and risk, the paper tries to build consumer credit risk management, for our country the effective mechanism of commercial banking, financial system and the entire economic society, it has important theoretical and practical significance. In this paper, the author defines the meaning of the consumer credit, to our country present situation of consumer credit risk performs, type and summarized, and then from the banks own management system, consumers, personal credit system and policy, etc., all of our country commercial bank consumer credit risk analysis based on commercial Banks, consumer credit risk management theory, that Chinese commercial Banks to consumer credit risk reasons. Finally, on the basis of above studies from the microcosmic policy and macro policies in China is put forward two layers of commercial bank consumer credit risk management countermeasures and Suggestions. Keywords: commercial Banks consumer credit risk prevention 1 1 目录 TOC \o 1-4 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc293412566 序 言 PAGEREF _Toc293412566 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc293412567 (一)选题的背景和研究意义



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