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预约组织Organization预约时间(月/日/时刻)M/D/T组织人数Number of Members预约房间Room for Reservation租借器材Rented Instrument活动内容(专题活动需附详细策划)Activity Content (Detail plans are required for thematic activities)联系人Organizer 学号Student ID手机Phone Number所在院系School备注Remarks社团老师签字:(Signature from Supervisor )上海交通大学跨文化交流中心场地租赁表SJTU Cross Cultural CenterField Site Application Form活动预约要求:A:常规活动需征收场地及设备租赁费。预约可直接到场地领取并填写申请表或将此电子版发送到sjtuccc@163.com(不必由负责老师签字),经工作人员确认后即可使用。B:专题活动(加盟社团专享)免征场地费,打印此表并填写,由社团直属负责老师签字确认后交给CCC活动部张恒审批登记(联系方式。特别提醒:专题活动要求与跨文化主题紧密相关,CCC保留跟进、建议的权利。Requirement for ReservationA: Regular ActivityRenting the room and facilitiesshould be paid. As for the reservation, you can come to CCCand complete the application form and also ok ifsending the electronic version to sjtuccc@163.comdirectly (the signature of the supervisor is unnecessary). You can use the room after confirmed.B: Thematic Activity (only for joint clubs)Free for room renting. The application form should be printed and filled with the signature of the supervisor, after which, the form should be sent to Zhang Heng (CCC Activity Department, for confirming.Attention: The theme of Thematic Activity must be related to cross culture. CCC has the right of making suggestion and recording the process.场地使用细则Rules场地使用时间The opening hours场地使用时间为10点至22点(除节假日外),务必配合于22点前离场,以便清洁场地,确保次日正常的场地使用。The opening hours are from 10:00 to 22:00, except for the national holidays. We need your cooperation to leave before 22:00for cleaning the site to ensure the future usage.场地使用费用The usage charges场地租金:内场每个房间均为20元/小时的场地费用;外场(包括露台和草坪)为50元/小时的场地费用。Site rental:For rooms in the house, the rental is 20RMB per hour. For the outdoor venue (including the terrace and the lawn), the rental is 50RMB per hour.设备租金:音箱、投影(含幕布),均为20元/小时。Instrument rental: For the audio system and the projector (including the curtain), the rental is 20RMB per hour each.押金:300元/次。The deposit is 300RMB for each time.场地使用规章 The site usage rule所有活动组织应在租借时间结束后30分钟内,完成


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