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Although your diplomas are equqlly specific, remember: you are all going out into the world as individuals. I now proudly present this year抯 Woosrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs graduating class. Brand-new college graduate-slash-princess. Lily抯 remaimed the same, as she continues to cause turmoil. As he went off to tour the country with his band. I抦 completely excited to be going back ,but I抦 also a bit nervous. Gradma clarisse will step down by the end of this year as queen,and I抣l be taking over , since I抦 now 21. I know I studied diplomacy and political science at school , but ther is no course in 換ueen? or 揌ow To Run A Country 101.?, But grandma going to help me ,and I抣l take over when she thinks I抦 ready. Of course, I wonder 厀ill I ever be ready ? and our trandition says I have to dance with all the eligible bachelors in Genovia . So maybe I抣l meet my Prince Charming tonight. What have you been up to ? just partying, girl , you know. I抣l survive , your highness . Ihe fault was entirely my own . I apologize . A re you sure you don抰 want to exchange licenses and proof of insurance ? No, no.These shoes were a little big anyway. The swelling should help them fit better . hey, get a load of this guy . looks like he抯 trying to land a plane . woodland animals are a lovely thing to be compared to . your timing is impeccanle . I抦 very grad to see that my clumsiness hasn抰 affected your dancing. I抦 sorry I stepped on your foot. He抯 a very precocious prince. He wears aftershave to make people that he?older . there抯 someone from parliament you should meet. No harm,no foul,no bruise. I thought I was alone . if it pleases you .at your service. The queen bids you good morning , she抯 in session with parliament. I see you have met your lady抯 maidsAs we all know, the 21 st of an heir to the Genovi As we all know , the 21st birthday of an heir to the genovia bloodline is indeed a matter of great puli


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