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Hogwarts(霍格沃茨) Strictly Business(最后对决) Thank you! Broomstick (飞天扫帚) invisible cloak ( 隐形衣 ) Resurrection Stone:复活石 Sorting Hat (分院帽) the Mirror of Erised: 厄里斯魔镜 I show not your face but your hearts desire  Marauder‘s Map (活点地图) Pensieve(冥想盆) (Magic)法术 Alchemy:炼金术 Avada Kedavra:阿瓦达索命咒 Cruciatus Curse:钻心咒 Imperious Curse:夺魂咒 Disapparate:幻影移形 Occlumency:大脑封闭术 Transfiguration:变形术 Patronum:呼神护卫,打击摄魂怪 Magic spells(魔法咒语) Accio ……飞来 飞去 Aguamenti 清水如泉 Diffindo 四分五裂 Expelliarmus 除你武器 Imperio 魂魄出窍 Incendio 火焰熊熊 Impervius 水火不侵 Levicorpus 倒挂金钟 Legilimens 摄神取念 Potions (魔法药剂) Felix Felicis:福灵剂 Veritaserum:吐真剂 Polyjuice Potion:复方汤剂 Love Potion:迷魂药 Amortentia:迷情剂 Calming Draught:镇定剂 Skele-gro:生骨灵 Elixir to Induce Euphoria:欢欣剂 subject curriculum(学科名称) Arithmancy 算术占卜学 Charms 魔咒学 Defense Against the Dark Arts黑魔法防御术 Divination占卜学 Flying飞行课 Herbology草药学 History of Magic魔法史 Potions 魔药学 Magical Creature (神奇生物) centaur 马人 werewolf 狼人 thestral 夜骐 merpeople 人鱼 phoenix 凤凰 unicorn 独角兽 house-elf 家养小精灵 the Whomping Willow 打人柳 hippogriff 鹰头马身有翼兽 Book and Movie Threesome( 三人组) Flying Lessons(飞行课) Quidditch(魁地奇) Penetralium(密室) Hippogviff(鹰头马身有翼兽) Sirius Black(小天狼星·布莱克) Fiery dragon(火龙) The Goblet of Fire(火焰杯) First Kiss(初吻) Dumbledores Army(邓布利多军) HalfBlood Prince(混血王子) Necklace(项链) Introduction Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling(罗琳). The books chronicle(记录) the adventures of a wizard(巫师), Harry Potter and his friends Ronald Weasley(罗恩·韦斯莱) and Hermione Granger(赫敏·格兰杰), all of whom are students at Hogwarts School(霍格沃茨魔法学校). The main story is that Harry has to overcome the Dark wizard Lord Voldemort(伏地魔), whose aims are to become immortal, to conquer the wizarding world, subjugate non-magical people(麻瓜), and destroy all those who stand in his way, especially Harry Potter. Hogwarts Time:A.D.993 Place:The United Kingdom Motto:A Sleeping Dragon is Never to be Tickled(永远不要逗弄一条睡着的龙即眠龙勿扰) Departm


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